Kaleta: The city went to court on the buildings in accordance with the instructions of the audit commission


– Warsaw City Hall, application to a court concerning the provisional administration of real estate at ul. Hoża 25a and Marszałkowska 43 executed the instructions of the audit commission sent earlier to the city – says Vice President Sebastian Kaleta

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The court has issued orders by which the mayor may temporarily administer two properties, for which a decision has been rendered by an audit committee. It is a building at ul. Hoża 25a and Marszałkowska 43. The municipal officials pointed out that the town hall has submitted applications to the court in this case; they talked about the "revolutionary" decisions of the court.

Kaleta referred to this information at a press briefing. He argued that the city's taking possession of these properties was the decision of the audit commission.

– The city can enforce the commission's decision through the appropriate court order to secure the city's actions for the issuance of property – said Kaleta. – He puts a lie of the city's story, which has been replicated for many weeks as part of the inability to enforce the audit commission's decision – he added.

Kaleta pointed out that when the city raised for the first time that she could not include real estate returned by the committee, the commission has prepared specific instructions on how to proceed if the beneficiaries of the decision did not want to transfer the property.

As he pointed out, the Warsaw capital prepared a petition to the court, with the same content, with what the commission stated in its instructions. According to Kalety, the city performs its functions in the manner indicated by the committee.

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Kaleta remembers a fragment of the commission's instructions transmitted to the city at the end of May, with the following text: "In the absence of opportunity to take property on a voluntary base, the capital of Warsaw Warsaw, asking for a property, may require the court to grant a guarantee (…) by ordering the beneficiaries of the revoked surrender decision not to interfere with the plaintiff, namely the capital of Warsaw. Warsaw in actions to take over ownership in management. "

Director of the Administrative Law Department of the Ministry of Justice Kamil Zaradkiewicz pointed out that the city has instruments in the form of asking the court also for security, allowing the immediate execution from the obligation to take over the management.

– What is happening and we are very happy – added Zaradkiewicz.

The City Hall should also take the direction of Poznańska 14 , Nowogrodzka 6a, Schroeger 72 and Hoża 25

According to the chief of the commission de vé rification, Patryk Jakiego, the management of these properties was "long overdue". The city explains that because of shortcomings in the provisions on the audit commission, it must go to court with claims against the existing managers of these properties. The purpose is to take over the management of real property returned by the audit committee.

The Audit Commission of June of last year examines the legality of the administrative decisions concerning the reprivatisation of real estate in Warsaw.


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