Kamil Stoch signed the contract with the sponsor. Jakub Wolny shocked with a helmet


The summer has brought many changes of sponsors in the skijumping. Olympic champion Andreas Wellinger has signed a contract with the Red Bull company, and from now on he will compete in a helmet with the logo of a red bull. This is a big change, because up to now, the German has started with the headset of a popular chocolate maker. In the first attempts, the new helmet clearly "counted" for the young jumper, as he could not face Wiśle Hill and the qualifications he held in 46th position, which was worse than the last pony (Andrzej Stęka³a was 42.) Adam Małysz, standing next to the reporters, said only "until now, the bird did not add it, but as soon as the winter will spit, we will only see it "

LGP in Wiśl. A set of Poles in the competition. Kamil Stoch the best

Pilch also in the characteristic helmet

It took a few months for Tomasz Pilch to become a serious sponsor, he was noticed by the Red Bull company. The new helmet seems to be much lighter for Tomasz Pilch, who claims not to feel any pressure on it.

Adam Małysz then claimed to have offered to the Austrian company three Poles, Bartosz Czya, Paweł W ± ska and Pilch, but the company saw the greatest potential in the latter, and everything was confirmed by medical tests at Salzburg.

Changes on Wisła Hill. Hofer threatened to resume the World Cup. Winds were installed

Stoch continued with Atlase

The sponsor did not intend to change Kamil Stoch, and in Wiśl there There was a formal annexation of the contract with Atlas. The contract has been signed for the next two seasons, which means that Stoch is not yet going to a sports pension for at least two seasons.

– I am very happy to extend the contract not so much with my sponsor and with my partner, we have developed good relationships. We present similar values, which is extremely important to me. Thanks to that, I have the chance to grow further. Thank you for your confidence. The last few years are not only highs, but also falls, although there are certainly more of these ups. When we signed the first contract, I was at a different stage of my career – Stoch said at a press conference.

It turns out that with the success of Kamil Stoch, Atlas also increased the amount to be backed by Stoch in exchange for the company's advertising on his helmet. However, the details of the contract were not betrayed

Jakub Wolny or Kubica?

The sponsor has not changed for Jakub Wolny, but he has surprised all fans with a completely new helmet that seems inspired by the Formula. 1. – You feel good, the helmet makes reference to Formula 1 because I love this sport a lot – said Kuba Wolny. When asked what team the most, the jumper with a smile just pointed to the manufacturer of his skis, the company BWT, which is also the sponsor of the F1 Force India. {};
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