Kamila Szczawińska is boasted of her naked body. Wow!


Kamila Szczawińska has been at the forefront of the Polish model for many years. International career, travels abroad and cooperation with the greatest creators. That's what his world looked like. However, at one point, Szczawińska decided to withdraw and start a family. In one of the interviews with the Pleiades, she revealed that she had panic attacks and that she could not cope with ubiquitous pressure. She left the industry and gave birth to two children. And although many things have changed, one thing has remained the same: its perfect silhouette.

The model is a lot of training and it is thanks to this that it can boast of ideal proportions. In one of the last entries on Instagram, she revealed what she was doing to look like this.

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The perfect body of Kamila Szczawińska

"I've been training invariably for 20 years, adding new disciplines from time to time" – Kamila Szczawińska started her entry.

"This sport brings calm in my life, gives me the strength and determination to overcome my problems, I never give up and, despite the obstacles, I pursue my goal … If I had any financial opportunities as a child, I would definitely become an athlete.7 workouts a week and still not enough.The passion of sport has infected children and now we train everyone together Julek instead of IPada prefers the football training and Kalina dances all the time or rides horse.The side effect of the workout is the silhouette that has allowed me to become a model "she betrayed.

Looking at her last picture, we have to admit that Kamila Szczawińska is perfect …

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