Karczewski on the barriers to the Seym. The Marshal talked about monsters in Gdynia


N and meeting with voters in Gdynia, the Senate Speaker spoke about the barriers facing the Sejm. For Stanisław Karczewski, they protect MPs against "monsters".

– These protesters have such staples "The Sejm is ours". Well no. This is neither ours nor theirs. This is our joint. But that does not mean you can enter the Sejm and do everything. That you can enter the trunk – said Karczewski at a meeting with voters in Gdynia

The speech of the Speaker of the Senate is unbelievable. One of the women pointed out that the barriers to the Sejm are a cause of shame. – Madam, the barriers are not to get anything there and do not hurt – said Karczewski

Friday PiS voted on the court law. The consequences of these events were brutal riots with the police. The parliamentary offices of the PiS politicians were also devastated.

source: TVN 24

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