Kasia Tusk getting ready for the wedding and … becoming a mom?


Katarzyna Tusk (31) and Stanisław Cudny prepare for the wedding? They may be indicated not only by media reports, but also by the latest entry and photos of Donald Tusk's daughter. Did she even find a designer who will sew a wedding dress for her? And that's not all!

The daughter of Donald Tusk has been associated to Stanisław Cudny for years. It has even been speculated that the couple is already married! And all this after the release of Katarzyna's book on the market. She called him beloved her husband.

It seems, however, that in reality the big day is right in front of them. In the magazine "Show" we can read that "soon the blogger and his beloved will say a sacramental yes".

The fact that something is on the subject can be confirmed by the latest entries and photos of Tuskin. On her blog, she posted photos in a long white dress. Is it a pre-wedding session? The entrance is even more mysterious.

"Whenever I encountered the terms" epic moment "or" poetic moment ", I had the impression that the writers wanted to move away from the effort (… ) And today I can not do anything more intelligent with myself.I assure you that (this time),) it is not the result of my laziness, sometimes words come to us at the throat, and we – not wanting to say too much – prefer to shut up and smile, "we read.

Next, Kasia praises the Di Trevi Fountain in Rome and one of the She designed the creation presented by her daughter Tusk.Katarzyna calls to remember her, "when a truly poetic day awaits you."

Do you think she will remember and charge her to make her wedding dress?

It is said that soon after the wedding, Katarzyna and Stanisław will try to enlarge the family.Maybe just to be able to devote to motherhood

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