Katarzyna Bosacka gained popularity as the main program I know what I'm eating in TVN Style. For several years, she had no contest telling viewers what products to buy to enjoy health. She emphasized her involvement in working with "thematic" earbuds, which in each episode corresponded to the food products mentioned.
Surprisingly, at a competitive Polsat coffee station a very similar format appeared. Its host was Anna Guzik who at that time underwent a metamorphosis and a plump actress playing unleashed etaaneta in On Wspólna she became a thin authority for many of Polish women. Bosacka did not hide his anger and accused the producers of the plagiarism program . She claimed that they were copying not only her ideas but also entire scripts for the episodes. She threatened prosecution and asked for an apology
Remember: Bosacki: "THE BOTTLE PLATES ME!"
The presenter kept her word and pleaded in court. She even demanded that before the issuance of a competitive program, a jury should appear, informing of the pending copyright law but the court dismissed her request. Then the court of first instance also rejected his claim arguing that the form of the program I know what I'm eating was "the result of a collective creative effort that involved many people " TV Formation
It has also been proven that some of the texts allegedly copied by the company originated from the Internet . A former TV said at the time that Bosacki's accusations were a typical example "aventurismo and spitting in his own nest" . Of course, Catherine does not intend to give in and appealed the verdict. Unfortunately, still lost
As reported by Wirtualna Media, the Warsaw Court of Appeal in force on Monday dismissed his complaint against the company. As previously, the court found that the programs are similar, but have significant differences, that it is impossible to seek to "duplicate creative elements" in them [19659003] In the court's opinion, the similarities between the programs result solely from the need to provide the necessary essential information to the viewers. In turn, the concept itself is not subject to the protection of copyright, falling within the limits of artistic freedom – is written by Wirtualne Media
Bosacki speaks for the time of unfavorable sentence [19459009JeconnaisladécisiondelaCourd'appelSansuneconnaissanceapprofondiedesmotifsdeladécisionjenepeuxpaslacommenterdefaçonresponsableJevaislireattentivementlajustificationdecejugementetlesargumentsdelaCourpuis I will decide d & # 39; other legal measures – she said
Joy n & # 39 is not hidden by a lawyer representing TV Training. In a comment, he said that in his opinion Bosacka wanted to have a "monopoly" on such programs.
We are very pleased that the dispute is finally over and that the Court of Appeal has fully agreed with TV Constitution since the beginning of the trial. District Court. Ms. Katarzyna Bosacka's claims were really aimed at monopolizing the subject of food and nutrition in consumer programs. It's like restricting the freedom to make reality shows to Big Brother – says boss Piotr Barczak
The court also ruled that Bosacka would be charged with the trial and expert opinions.
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