Katarzyna Lubnauer for "Super Express": Ujazdowski was unacceptable



Tomasz Walczak

  Lubnauer threw his lover Petru

Author: archiwum se.pl

"Super Express": – How did you force the OP to withdraw your support for the candidacy of Michał Ujazdowski for the mayor of Wrocław Katarzyna Lubnauer: – The decision on the candidate of the Coalition of Citizens for Wrocław will be taken by Nowoczesna, we have accepted this. It is probably obvious to everyone that coalition cooperation is a priority. When PO reported the candidacy of Ujazdowski, she was just crawling. At the time, nobody seemed to think that it would be a project that would be closed not only at the level of the regional assemblies, but also of all the voivodeship cities.

– And what was bothering Ujazdowski's agreement?
– From the beginning is unacceptable for Nowoczesna because of its conservatism. Of course, I appreciate that by the time PiS took power, he decided to leave this party, disagreeing with the violation of his law. It is an act of patriotism and courage. However, this was not important for the president of a liberal city like Wroclaw.
– We talked about when the PO announced to be his nominee and despite the caveats, you thought it might work for itself. You have your favorite, and in the second round, you support each other. What has changed?
– Today, more than ever before, the Citizens Coalition is a priority. You saw what happened last week in the Sejm, what the PiS does about the Supreme Court or the EP's ordination. It is already starting to be a coalition of reason of state. That is why all Grzegorz Schetyna's decisions and mine are subject to the primary objective of winning the elections. Because the priority is this one and not the other, each of us must show good will.

– Polls showed that Ujazdowski enjoyed the greatest support in Wroclaw. Maybe you had to stay there, because your gambits can not understand your electorate.
– This is not like that. According to our polls, the Citizen Coalition candidate has the best chance of winning. And no matter who will be. As much as we can not support anyone who contradicts the views that Modern brings to the coalition
– But when "Poland burns" and you have to save it before Kaczynski, perhaps n & rsquo; Is not it time to take it? develop Ujazdowski, but another candidate enrolled in Wroclaw
– And from this chaos will his victory in this city emerge? Because the malicious claim that Kaczynski would not have invented it better.
– On the contrary. I think that will clarify the situation in Wrocław. It is a national symbol, a sign that the Civic Coalition is a new quality in politics. And contrary to appearances, there is more modern than some might have thought. Each candidate must be accepted by both parties and this is the case of Ujazdowski
– Apparently, you want to place a man in the place of Ujazdowski, which you have already managed to cancel your support. I mean Michał Jaros
– We want to support a candidate who will be able to build great social support and bring together many environments around him. So we are talking about Michał Jaros and Jacek Sutryek. We will have a good candidate who will take part in the Coalition.

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