Katarzyna Zieliska on the difficulties


Mobility under the entrance.

Katarzyna Zieliska I'm lucky to have two sons: Henryk and Alexander. The 39-year-old actress is known for her incredible distance and sense of humor that she shares in her Instagram account. This time, the artist talked about the mother's problem and revealed how or raise children to work.

Kasia Zieliska in bikini without Photoshop

It turns out that the actress was inspired by the lyrics of her fans:

Many times, I told myself that he had a guilty conscience to go to work. I think sometimes. Admit it. And that will always be the case. Because I want to be 1000%

Fortunately, a clear currency is guided by happiness:

To avoid being crazy, I keep up the slogan that we repeat every day at home:

For the actress, children are motivated to act:

Do you know what I like my job? For that I can do what the belt gives me When I come home, two of the beloved guys in the world wait for me, who attack me like rockets and attack me with my love. Nobody and nothing is more important to them and me. Chopaki, we know that we love each other like the moon, the stars and the back and that their mother is the beloved wrkoksiniczk of the world. We can carry all the games of the world together. Fatigue does not count then. Fatigue has no chance. Hey ho !!!
Ps. And on the hand 29 kilograms of love

Katarzyna Zieliska showed a picture of the past. Fans: "O dizas, Lady Kasia!"

See the beautiful picture of Kasia. Is not this the most sincere and inspiring confession of today?

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