Katowice. Suicide 27 years old. The body of his mother was found in the apartment


Katowice investigators explain the exact circumstances and causes of the family tragedy in the Tysiąclecia housing estate in Katowice. A body of a 27-year-old man was found under the building, which most likely jumped out the window, while the body of his 69-year-old mother was found in the apartment. The prosecutor ordered the autopsy [19659002] Tuesday, around 11 pm, police from Katowice were informed by witnesses that a man was falling from an apartment on Tysiąclecia Street. Unfortunately, the 27-year-old man was killed instantly.

The police set up an apartment from which the man probably jumped. The door, however, was closed. When they entered, they discovered the body of a 69-year-old woman. The uniform inspected the scene of the incident and the current prosecutor ordered the autopsy.

Investigators from the Criminal Division of the Municipal Police Headquarters in Katowice now explain, under the supervision of the prosecutor's office of Katowice-West, what really happened in the apartment.

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