Katowice: The overnight ban is in effect in the center. We will not buy alcohol in stores


The Katowice City Council passed a resolution on the night ban in early July. Today, July 25, the regulations come into force and are officially in force. This means that from today to 22. in stores in the center of Katowice, we will not buy alcohol. The ban will be valid until 6 o'clock in the morning. What matters is only the city center and outlets selling alcoholic beverages to be consumed outside the point of sale, ie shops and, for example, shops. gas stations. This means that alcohol can be bought without problems in restaurants, pubs or pubs.

In Katowice, the ban on the sale of alcohol is only valid at Śródmieście

Katowice is another city which, under the law of January 10, 2018 amending the law on education to sobriety and the fight against alcoholism, the possibility of selling alcohol in your area. Most cities, however, introduce restrictions throughout the area (Mysłowice, Bytom, and Tychy), while in Katowice, only the city center is covered by the ban.

Why? – Limiting the possibility of buying alcoholic beverages at night in the city center should help reduce consumption in non-designated places – explained Ewa Lipka, spokesman for Katowice City Hall. As he added the ban is also to improve security in the center.

The Katowice security services are already preparing for control. But organized actions – as Lipka says – will not be.

What is the risk of breaking the ban?

It is not a matter of punishing, but of improving the order and order in the center. The city guard's patrols will be in the center, but to check how the situation looks – he explains. As he adds, the uniform of those who despite the ban of alcohol after hours. 22. they will sell, they can punish a fine of 20 to 500 PLN. However, at the beginning, the guards plan the activities they tested by introducing a smoking ban in the catering establishments.

– They will observe, analyze, instruct and educate, of course, if someone still breaks the rules, the penalties will be more serious – adds Lipka.

Interdiction at night in Katowice. What do inhabitants think

What do residents think of the night ban in Katowice? We asked. – In general, I think it's a good idea, but it would be overzealous if the ban applied across the city – as is the case in Mysłowice. Let's not exaggerate, but let's look at the center as a representative place. If someone wants to drink, he will buy alcohol sooner and just eat it at home. Me, if I want a drink at night, I'll go to the bar – says Kamil Srumacz.

Błażej Kulczycki, an employee of one of Mariacka's premises, also praises the sale of alcohol. – I do not know if the liquor stores will suffer, but people will certainly benefit. While working on Mariacka Street, I know what's happening here at night – he says.

On the other hand, the ambivalent feelings are of Simona Wotyga, a resident of Katowice. – I do not need to buy alcohol in those late hours, I rather plan this type of shopping sooner. On the other hand, I am not generally convinced that such restrictions are well served. I think alcohol problems also arise in countries where there is a stricter ban on sales, for example in the Nordic countries – she says. As he adds, he is more for freedom than bans.

We also asked for the comment of one of the shops of the street Warszawska. – This shop is the place of my work and I consider it is a bad thing to limit it. The best income we always have at night, so it significantly inhibits our activities. On the private side, I also think it's a bad idea. This prohibition not only limits the sellers, but also hinders the freedom of operation of all – says Mrs. Alexander. He adds that instead of banning the sale of alcohol, you can increase the number of police patrols in the city center.


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