Kayah and Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka are neighbors. It can be embarrassing …


Although their relationship is a distant past, there is still something that connects the old partners. Sebastian Karpiel-Bułecka (42) and Kayah (50) still have houses side by side, and this neighborhood is a bit embarrassing …

Every mountaineer knows where the house of Sebastian is in Kościelisko Karpiel-Bułecki … who is his neighbor. Some make jokes about it, others say outright that they have warned the singer against such a decision. But he was then in love with Kayah, and it is there that he designed his house next to his, and even kept his construction. Now, this neighborhood is bothering the singer …

Shortly after leaving Sebastian Kayah, she avoided Highlander's house with a wide arch. Recently, however, the situation has changed. The star fell in love with a beautiful lawyer with two children and decided to dust off old angles at Kościelisko.

How to know "Live", we still see it there. With his beloved and his daughters, they wander in the mountains and … fall on the leader of Zakopower with their partner Paulina Krupińska (31 years old) and their children.

The couple spend each free moment in Kościelisko. Mother Karpiela-Bułecki, Zofia lives nearby. When it comes to grandchildren, Sebastian and Paulina have time for them and make trips to romantic restaurants that are not lacking in Zakopane. They have already met Kayah in the arms of their beloved.

– The situation was rather embarrassing. They respect each other and tolerate each other, if only because Zakopower still publishes his records at Kai's music factory, but it's hard to talk about friendship with their partners.

Despite the embarrassing encounters, the singer does not intend to sell home to Kościelisko. She had several offers to buy, but she always refused. She has thought about many things and does not want to hide with her new love. And the comments of strangers do not impress him. – I think of it with compassion, because at least I live my own life – she said.

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