Keep your head down, the US Embassy warns Americans before visiting London Trump


LONDON – It seems a little scary out there on the page of 39 Home of the American Embassy in London: ALERT word.

The State Department warns Americans "to keep a low profile" and "be aware of your environment" this week.

The reason: protests are planned against President Trump in London, as well as Windsor, Bristol, Newcastle, Leeds, Cambridge, Cardiff, Glasgow and the west coast of Scotland, where Trump has a land of golf.

As Trump Friday lunch with Premier Theresa May at her Checkers Estate or sipping tea with Queen Elizabeth II at Windsor Castle, tens of thousands of protesters – maybe more – plan to gather at Trafalgar Square in London to protest the president and his policies.

Protesters plan to steal a big balloon th The sky next to Westminster Palace, depicting a "Trump Baby" tanned in a pair of diapers, clutching a mobile phone.

Trump will spend Thursday night in London at Winfield House, the official residence of US Ambassador to Britain Robert "Woody" Johnson. The couple will attend a gala dinner at Blenheim Castle in the countryside on Thursday night

Johnson told reporters that Americans respect peaceful protest.

The embassy however warned Americans to "be careful if near large gatherings that can become violent."

The British are generally polite at fault – though they have been known to leave after a football game or once the closed pubs.

On Wednesday, the Guardian newspaper reported "The British police mobilization for Trump's visit would be the largest since the 2011 British riots", when London was shocked by five days of violence and unrest, with scenes of looting and arson. The riots broke out when police shot dead a suspect as part of an investigation into gun violence in the black community of London

Organizers of anti-Trump rallies say they're not in trouble. expect no problem – and that it would be highly unlikely Asad Rehman, 51, one of the organizers of a massive protest organized for central London, said that among the motivations behind " It is important for us to send a strong signal to those who resist and campaign in America that we stand in solidarity with them, "said Rehman.

On social networks, some have accused the State Department of scare. A spokesman for the United States Embassy in London said that there was nothing political about the timing of the alert, that such warnings were routine. According to the protocol, if the embassy staff is warned internally of possible threats, then the American public must be so, she said.

John Scardino, 58, a teacher from the United States. and will be to Friday's protests in London, is doubtful that the embassy alert would have an effect on the size of the crowd.

Trump "proudly unleashed exciting emotions often of division, I think Americans live here to express and express"

Friday night, Trump and the First Lady travel to Scotland for a weekend of golf and relaxing – and other events outside his resort.

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