"Killers of Women", "Rwanda – Remember". The door of the Curia is painted


At the Floriaska Street, on the door and steps of the Warsaw-Praga Curia, the inscriptions "Behold, my blood, this is my blood." Wara Wam. "On the other hand," Rwanda – Pamitamy "was painted on the sidewalk.We will also see similar havens on the facade of the Cathedral of the Archbishopric of St. John the Baptist and the House of the Archbishops of Warsaw.

– Registrations on Tuesday morning one of the curie's staff members.The place was called for a police force that would protect the meters – says Marcin Tafejko from the press office of the Curie.

Massacre of the civilian population

It is possible that the slogans are associated with the Sejm's decision on Monday regarding the creation of a sub-commission supposed to deal with a limiting civil law bill. the anti-abortion law Also on Monday, before the Sejm, a demonstration organized by the Oglnopolski women's strike

The inscription "Rwanda – pamitamy" in turn invokes the massacre of the Rwandan civilian population during the Civil War in 1994

The Bow invalid bishop

the two things? Archbishop Henryk Hoser, who in December of last year will cease to be the leader of the Warsaw-Praga kuri. Feel a missionary in Africa. Many times he was accused of being passive in the face of the massacre. Sam worried that he was not in Rwanda during the fighting

The Archbishop is also known for his controversial statements about women and in vitro fertilization. The same method says that "it's a kind of sophisticated abortion", and you in the whips' results are "individual".

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