Klein: Iran uses Gaza rocket campaign to threaten Israel on Syria


There is no doubt that the massive escalation of projectile attacks from the Gaza Strip in the past two days was a transparent attempt by Iran to use its Palestinian terrorist proxies in Gaza to influence the current negotiations between the United States, Israel and Russia. On Monday, Russian President Vladimir Putin declared that he was in agreement with Trump on the need to demilitarize the border between Israel and Syria, in accordance with the 1974 disengagement agreement that ended in the Yom Kippur War. Putin touted his "very successful" meeting with Trump, during which he said the US president stressed the need to maintain Israel's security.

Without specifically mentioning Iran, Trump said at a joint press conference: "Trump said he and Putin had spoken recently with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu," and they would like to make some things with Syria related to the security of Israel … We would absolutely like to work for help Israel, and Israel will work with us. So the two countries work together [for this purpose]. "

These statements had Iran written all over them.Israel lobbied heavily on the United States and Russia to rid Syria of the destabilizing military presence of Iran in that country. 19659004] Rewind until Saturday night Hamas, which has no strategic interest in triggering major Israeli retaliation, collaborated with other Gazan terrorist groups to launch the biggest salvo rockets and mortars since the Israeli-Palestinian war that began after Hamas violated a ceasefire Jewish state

More than 200 projectiles were fired from Gaza against the Israeli civilian population, injuring four family members in the nearby town of Sderot when a rocket exploded in front of their house Another terrorist rocket struck near a synagogue.

In response, the IDF led the most gran attacking Hamas targets in Gaza since the 2014 war. By reacting as he did, Israel was trying to send a message to Hamas that Gaza's terrorist rulers would pay a heavy price for doing so. the auction of Iran. Hamas must have known that Israel would retaliate violently by intensifying its rocket war, indicating that the terrorist group was either ignoring it or being so influenced by Iran that it had no choice but to act when its sponsors in Tehran would dictate orders. [19659004CelaexpliqueprobablementpourquoiIsraëlauraitfrappédimancheunebasemilitaireprèsdelaSyried'AlepconnuepoursesliensavecleCorpsdesGardiensdelaRévolutionislamiqueenIranLamêmebaseaététouchéeprétendumentparIsraëlenavrildernierIsraëlvoulaitenvoyerunmessageàl'Iranquel'EtatjuifcontinueraàcontrerlaprésencedeTéhéranenSyriemilitairementCeciaprèsquel'Iranadéjàétéhumiliéetstratégiquementdévastéparlesfrappesrépétéesd'IsraëlcontrelesbasesmilitairesiraniennesenSyrieetasentilapression

Last Hamas rocket campaign demonstrates that & # 39; Iran appears to be trying to divert the & # 39; focus d & # 39; Israel. Gaza Strip, signaling to Israel that Iranian proxies can be activated at will

Iran will continue to feel the heat as the United States, Israel and Russia develop strategies on Syria. It is feared that Iran's next move will be to order Gaza terrorists to launch rockets at the center of Israel, prompting the IDF to deploy the Iron Dome missile system around Tel Aviv. As Iran becomes more and more desperate and isolated, it can resort to the instigation of a total war between Hamas and Israel. In such a war, the Israeli front will suffer, but it is Hamas that is likely to be destroyed.

Aaron Klein is the head of the Breitbart office in Jerusalem and the lead investigative reporter. He is a successful New York Times author and hosts the popular weekend radio program, "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio." Follow him on Twitter @AaronKleinShow. Follow him on Facebook.

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