Kosiniak-Kamysz in Kuchciński: You'll have a place in the trash can of history – GazetaPrawna.pl


Tuesday evening at the Sejm a debate took place on the Nowoczesna and PO motion to recall Marek Kuchciński from the office of Marshal of the House.


As he pointed out, it is not just a request to dismiss the president of the Sejm, who" is obviously not good at it. field. "He felt," this is a motion to oppose the style of exercise of power "by the PiS in Sejm and throughout Poland." It's a motion for s & # 39; 39 to oppose such a procedure that limits and prevents the resolution of cases in Poland, in the Polish house ", added Kosiniak-Kamysz

The leader of the party decided that Kuchciński was" really only the 39, incarnation of his political formation "he continues today." "Today, there is no President of Seym." This is the President's dummy and the Diet Manikin, "he said.

According to Kosiniak-Kamysz, today the Sejm" is not used to make decisions. "" This is the place of approval, confirmation of the decision of the President "- he stressed." There is no self-determination and self-determination free and elected deputies in free and democratic elections, "said the politician

The PSL president accused Kuchciński of turning off the microphones and punishing the deputies with" pathological ease ". of your fear – the more you have trouble, the more your eyes are your fear, "- he called the president of Seym

" The first should punish you, because you not only violate the gravity of this house, – and you violate the gravity of Poland "- stressed Kosiniak-Kamysz." You unleashed with your political group the Seym in the gutter of hypocrisy and hatred, "he declared

. peasants accused Kuchciński of acting on the "grimace" of PiS chairman Jarosław Kaczyński. "And real you are not the most guilty of this situation, the most guilty and culpable of the one who threw you into this role. You do not play it well – you will not get an Oscar for it, probably ironically. "

" As a marshal, you must be loyal to the nation, and you are only loyal to the president, you will be in the story, but it will be a place in the trash can. history, "said Kosiniak-Kamysz. He informed that the PSL would vote for the motion to remove Kuchciński from the office of the President of the Sejm.

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