Krakow: WSA ruled on restricting the sale of alcohol


There is a risk of significant damage and irreversible consequences – the Krakow Provincial Administrative Court ruled, justifying the termination of the Krakow City Council resolution on restrictions on the sale of alcohol at night.

Information on the WSA decision was provided Thursday by the Krakow city office. The decision of the WSA means that the ban on selling alcohol in the old town and in Kazimierz (District I) scheduled from 26 December will not come into effect. The resolution included restrictions on the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption outside the point of sale. The ban was to be effective from the 22nd to the 6th.

According to court information, the September 12 councilors' resolution challenged the company, citing the possibility of significant financial losses in connection with the planned ban. The company pointed out the potential need to close stores, which would amount to the liquidation of 25 workplaces.

After having considered the applicant's arguments, the Voivodship Administrative Court found that it was likely to cause serious damage and irreversible consequences.

The court shared the company's position that the actual (immediate) consequence of the entry into force of the resolution is to limit the scope of commercial activities and, as a result, the loss of financial liquidity and the Impossibility to carry on activities, as well as the loss of employment of the persons employed by the applicants. The meeting of the WSA was secret.

The draft resolution on restrictions on the sale of alcohol was submitted to the council of the city council by district councilor I, arguing that lack of time had a negative impact on security and that residents complained about the activities of the 24-hour shops.

District counsel I, with whom she spoke with the PAP, stated that the resolution appealed to those for whom this resulted in financial losses.

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