Krupa depressed, the modest "Top Model" and the very fine Kasia Moś fight for animal rights (PHOTOS)


Joanna Krupa has a very difficult week. Monday, all Poland talked about his incident in the final top Model, Thursday there was an agent, Małgorzata Leitner, announced that the court had filed the case that Joasia had filed against her. The model accused his agency of not paying royalties to Krupa. The star responded to this attack on Instagram, where she assured her that the fraud had been committed and that she was not the only victim.

SEE: Krupa lost to Leitner in court: "Everyone must obey the law, even an American star"

Fortunately, do not do it, because that evening, Asia organized a banquet of charity under the slogan "Become an angel dog". The star treated the theme of the holiday very literally and showed herself in the manner of an angel. The winner leaned against the wall top Model. Katarzyna Szklarczykwho put a black safe.

At the event could not miss also known from the fight for animal rights Kasia Moś, who attracted attention with a very thin waist.

See who else appeared at the party. Which star did the best?

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