Krupa strongly comments on Kasia's victory. "If you do not like it, then the next time you vote for your favorite"


The final of this edition of the "Top Model" would be exceptionally exciting. This is not a shameful mistake, not all spectators were happy with Kasia Szklarczyk's victory. Joanna Krupa, however, decides to close her mouth once and for all.

Joanna Krupa comments on Kasia Szklarczyk's victory in "Top Model"

Joanna Krupa on Instagram once again congratulated Szklarczyk for first place in the "Top Model". The model recalls that viewers who sent text messages had an influence on the message. Thus, the utara of all those who were in the network were tempted by Szklarczyk not to be supermodel, and his choice would be defined.

She only wins because she has had the most SMS. If you do not like it, you'll vote for your favorite next time. The tears are ugly, he summarizes.

Viewers comment on Joanna Krupa's post

Many comments appeared quickly under Joanna Krupa's fast. Many poparo model people, admit that Kasia zasuya to win.

It's very good that Kasia wins. Zasuya for this job was to see every episode.

I do not know why the Poles did not vote, then they made scandal for Kasia to win.

Some speak and do not even vote. NADS.

And what do you think of all this?


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