Krzysztof Cieszyński from ZUS was on duty in Fakty


This is a system whereby employers will automatically receive a medical certificate. In our editorial office, ZUS spokesperson Gdańsk Krzysztof Cieszyński was in office. The expert answered your questions about the new facilities.

These are really important, because up to now, patients had to provide their own superiors themselves. And within seven days of posting! What did you ask the ZUS spokesman? You will find detailed answers below.

1. I was recently at the doctor and I received an e-release. The doctor has printed this document "just in case". Should I take it to my employer?

– If your employer has a profile on an e-office such as the Electronic Services Platform (ZUS PUE), you do not have to print. The release will go automatically. If the employer does not have such a profile, the doctor must print the e-ZLA document from the system, sign it, stamp it and you have 7 days to provide it to him. Information indicating whether the employer uses CPUE displays with the doctor when writing an e-mail release. The employer is also obliged to inform employees if he does not use PUE.

2. How can I be sure that an exemption granted electronically will go to the employer? Will I receive a confirmation?

– The doctor is not obliged to issue such confirmation. The doctor who issued the electronic release indicates whether the document was sent to the recipient. Of course, you can ask the doctor to print a statement. This print is for information only. You do not have to bring it to the employer.

3. What happens if the doctor sends an e-ZLA with an error? Can I not receive sickness benefits?

– If your doctor announces your medical certificate with an error, he will inform you in writing. You will also be informed of the obligation to provide this information to your employer if it does not have a ZUS PUE profile. If your employer has such a profile, ZUS will provide information on the cancellation of the erroneous dismissal.

4. Do I have to give it to the employer within 7 days despite the fact that I have received an electronic medical certificate?

– If the employer has a profile on the PUE portal of electronic services, this release will be automatically transmitted to him, so it is not necessary to inform him further. If, however, the employer does not have such a profile, you must provide an e-ZLA document printed with a caption and doctor's stamp within 7 days.

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