Kubota Flip Flops for 200 PLN Internet users criticize and Polish manufacturers dream of Adidas


  Nowe Kuboty combines with the old logo
Fot. kubota

Nowe Kuboty combines with the old logo alone

Over the years, they have associated with Chinese taniochą, bazaar and "typical Janusz". Kubota slippers are a symbol of kitsch from the nineties and the first decade of the 21st century. However, there was a group of people who wanted to change and make Kubota a global brand. Everyone does not like it. There was a wave of hatred on the internet.

It's easy to say that two decades ago, Kubota seesaws in millions of couples. Their main advantages were the availability (they could be bought in any bazaar) and the price. It was the cheapest option among this type of shoes – it cost a few dozen zlotys.


Recently, the Internet has revolved around the resurrection of the brand. The price of the new flaps, however, shocked – 200 PLN per pair. On the internet it boils

"200 zlotys for a piece of leather (even if you are a super hyper eco), you are very frivolous … Probably the hipsters will be tempted and make an offer, who will buy more, or who will have more XD and instagram pairs, We want to bring back to the Poles our "national good." KUBOTA is after all more than just flip flops – it's a lifestyle "- you'll probably want to fill your suitcases with the # 39, silver of all naive people who will order it. "[19659007]" The original Kubota foam flip-flops are available on Allegro for 11 PLN FROM ANYWHERE. This company is a joke and a legendary trip – real Kubots have been continuously produced since the 90s.

Here are some of the adverse comments on Facebook's company profile

By design, a Polish product

The producers of the new Kubot try to answer the allegations, patiently explaining that their product differs significantly from the original quality, first of quality

– We fight with this wave of hatred people who have never had new Kubot, have not read how they are produced They do not even look at the photos with care and maliciously criticize, and people often think that we we sell old foam Kubots imported from China for 199 PLN, which would be absurd. by people who make shoes for generations – explains in an interview to money.pl Alina Sztoch, one of the co-creators of Kubota reactivation

He explains that their product is not the Chinese polyurethane, which arrives in a container for two dollars. The hypothesis is that the new "kubots" produced in Poland will stand out in quality

The creators point out that the production is handled by different craftsmen: footwear entrepreneur, sole entrepreneur, tannery owner, shoe manufacturer, shoemaker and seamstress [19659007] Sentimentals and hipsters

A representative of Kubota society explains that their products must affect people who associate the nineties with their childhood. It is also supposed to be a brand for completely new buyers.

– The target group is one who loves the feeling of the '90s, but also the youngest ones who are interested in fashion and appreciate high quality products. On the one hand, our customers are people who have wonderful memories of the '90s, and on the other hand, brand new customers who want to buy comfortable and fresh things produced in the country – explains Alina Sztoch [19659018]. That's four people between the years '85 and '91


Their marketing idea definitely appeals to hipsters. On the promotional photographs, the brand is catchy: it is dormant – white socks for ladies and loose tracksuits – but it is known to be a joke

Actors of different generations have been involved in the promotion: Mirosław Zbrojewicz, Agnieszka Żulewska , Maciej Musiałowski. According to the owners of the company "in a friendly manner.

– Many people got involved in the campaign. They simply wanted to help and they liked the idea of ​​resurrecting the Polish brand in a whole new version, says Alina Sztoch


Old Brand New [19659007InternetaccusedthecreatorsofanewKubotad&#################################################################################################################################################################################################ThechoicethenfellontheflipflopsTheybookedabrandinPolandintheearly1990sTheycyclicallyprolongtheprotectionofabrandWeagreedthatwereactivatethebrandintheformofrebrandingStareKubotyofcourseisstillonthemarketandweintroduceabrandnewproduct-explainsAlinaSztoch-

Convinced that the "old owners" are fully aware of the plan of renewal of "kubots" and encourage young entrepreneurs [19659007] they want to reveal how much they managed to sell and how much their interest is great. They only say that the beginnings were difficult, but now everything has started to turn dynamically. They promise to talk about numbers, but only after the summer season. Then we will see if the Poles are able to pay 200 PLN for Kuboty

Alina Sztoch believes that the brand has great potential

– The return of the market and the marketing potential that has been confirmed in recent months have made us realize this brand could look if there was serious money on the table. Many people have talked about Polish Adidas. Yes, we dream of Polish Adidas, we have an idea and there are many scenarios – mentally, nothing prevents you from going to clothes or other types of shoes. Right now, we want to find an investor who would help us get into larger waters and introduce Kuboty, for example, into the German market with a consumer profile that matches our products. The possibilities are massive – the ambitious plans are made by one of the co-creators of Kubota

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