Labor relations according to Ryanair? This is a firm response to the unions –


This week, Ryanair had the biggest strike in its history. More than 600 flights were canceled from Ireland to Italy, and O 'Leary returned to its old form and returned the shot – and strongly. The first revenge took place Wednesday, July 27, when he threatened to shoot several hundred people from the flight service. The Irish pilots reciprocated on the fourth day of the strikes, compounding the dispute, which rose throughout the year and began to boil as tourists prepared their vacation trips throughout Europe.

Ryanair avoided for three decades labor disputes haunting airlines, fiercely opposed to any attempt to form unions. Although the carrier vows that it will not succumb to any request that could jeopardize the company's business model, the unions do not forgive.

Investors informed of promising summer strikes first praised the tenacity and actions of O 'Leary. Ryanair rose nearly 5% on July 27 after the carrier announced that it could wind up 300 jobs in Dublin and transfer them to Poland. But when the Irish Air Force Association reacted to this announcement of the extension of the strike, the stock price began to fall and reached its lowest level in nearly two years the next day

. length of service, as well as the ability to order pilots to move to another city. But in reality, it 's about controlling – Ryanair is still making rapid progress on topics such as changing the plane, hiring new employees and cutting back on employment or Expanding into new markets without consulting the unions. Thousands of passengers had to change their plan "> The second day of the Ryanair strike Thousands of passengers had to change their plan

The position of the pilots is a little stronger because the pilots are rare all over the world EasyJet , British Airways and Norway Air Shuttle As the value of Ryanair's shares over the past two decades has increased fifteen times, investors trust O 'Leary despite employee disputes and clashes with competitors, and even after a flight schedule error that canceled 20,000 flights in September, O. Leary, who said that "hell will freeze" earlier than it would allow unions, agreed in December to satisfy the pilots after the crisis with the flight program [19659002] Today, however, "in the environment of investors, flight" The situation is more difficult than "before".

While union recognition in the company eased some tensions, peace was not long. In winter and spring, unions all over Europe have quietly created lists of reservations, from the simplest, like free water for staff, to the more complex ones like the rules pilot change between cities. As the summer peak approached, they attacked: Strikes caused cancellations in Ireland, Portugal, Spain, Belgium and Italy. Workers in Germany also vote to strike

Ryanair's directors "create mutual hostility among employees, which is never a good idea in the case of unions," says analyst Daniel Roeska

. What is the relationship between the carrier and the employees? On any of them you can see a table with bottles of water and cookies, which the management was supposed to convey to the employees when the strikes began. There is a handwritten card on these gifts: "For the first time in nine years, we receive something for free? Come back, we do not want it."

O 'Leary showed that it is capable of making changes he thinks it will increase the profits of the company, for example by trying to improve the treatment of passengers after a series of complaints. . In 2014, Ryanair resigned high luggage or trumpet charges announcing the arrival on time and added the possibility of booking seats and services for families, such as the possibility of taking a car seat . Profits have increased rapidly.

"Everyone loves a sinner who has converted," then said O. Leary. "We learned humility, and it's a tough lesson for the Irish."

Today, however, he is in a difficult position. "These unions must understand that Ryanair is not a traditional airline that will track down before every strike threat," he told investors last week after announcing a 20 percent drop in revenue, partly linked to strikes. Leary decides to participate in the negotiations, a good idea to start will be to reduce the requirements for the cabin crew for the sale of a number of flight allowances, such as duty-free goods. "It would not reduce the profits of the company and would bring relief to employees," says Philips Landau, a lawyer specializing in labor law in London.

The aggressive strategy of O 'Leary is most likely to anger the unions and strikers. "If customers start to avoid Ryanair because of the strikes, this can have a big impact on the business."

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