Lack of uniforms and problems with rifles in the Polish army


  • Instead of modern equipment, we have an unprecedented reality – the newspaper
  • For at least two years in military journals, there have been deficiencies in campaign uniforms. lack of uniforms? "Rzeczpospolita": Two years ago, Antoni Macierewicz, then head of the Ministry of Defense, suspended the call for tenders to anticipate the changes of the new masking pattern

. He also points out that uniform grades are exhausting. "And a few years ago, politicians announced that such a problem would not, soldiers will be equipped with modern equipment that will not only effectively fight the enemy, but will also protect the soldier "- read in the text of Marek Kozubal and Zbigniew Lentowicz. adds "Rzeczpospolita", instead of electronic equipment, sensors, miniature radio stations working in the network – we have an incredible reality. "According to our information, it seems that for at least two years in the military reviews are apparent shortages of uniforms, there may be Szramka: I know soldiers who have not received a new uniform for months

This information is confirmed by MP Paweł Szramka of Club Kukiz & 15. – I know soldiers who have not received a new uniform for months, just like shoes, this is why the uniform is issued for the purchase of items of campaign equipment – explains a former professional soldier in an interview with Rzeczpospolita.Every three or four years, the army was organizing a call for tenders for the uniforms, which usually included 250,000 men. "However, two years ago, the head of the Ministry of Defense, Antoni Macierewicz, suspended the 39; call for tenders in anticipation of changes related to the new mask "-" Rzeczpospol ita. "

The" Titan "was directed on a new camouflage" blur "image of a soldier going to attack. That's why – according to the newspaper – there was a lack of supply. "The fact that the deficiencies are serious has turned out to be during the Dragon's Exercise" 17, when the photos leaked into the media, where soldiers were dressed in different uniforms and even tracksuits. More information in "Rzeczpospolita" of today.

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