Łapiński on the case of Głębocki: The KPRP does not have the duty to inform the Sejm Chancellery of the appointment – GazetaPrawna.pl


PAP asked the president's spokesperson to comment on the participation of former PiS deputy, and now Polish ambassador to Italy, Konrad Głębocki, to the Sejm after his appointment as ambassador. The electoral code stipulates that the mandate of the person appointed as ambassador expires on the day of the appointment. According to PiS club leader Ryszard Terlecki, "it seems" that this question is "an oversight of the presidency".

Łapiński, questioned about Terlecki's words, points out that the ambassador appoints the president at the request of the competent minister for foreign affairs. [Juin19652003] "On June 5, President Andrzej Duda signed a decision concerning the appointment of Konrad Głębocki as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Polish Ministry of Foreign Affairs on June 7. In the case of ambassadorial appointments, the Chancellery of the President is not The Chancellery of the Sejm is not obliged to inform the Chancellery of the Sejm "- stressed the spokesman of the president

" It must be added that every candidate for the 39, Embassy is examined by the Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee and that the Sejm Chancellery already knew Mr. Konrad Głębocki He pointed out that when he received the appointment of the Secretary of State at the Chancellery of the Premier Minister on May 11, 2017, the Marshal of the Sejm issued a resolution on the same day, at the end of his parliamentary term. "To this end, no notification was required of the KPRP" – said rabbits ki.

June 5 of this year. Deputy Konrad Głębocki was appointed by President Andrzej Duda to the Polish ambassador to Italy. According to the art. 103 para. 1 of the Constitution, the mandate of the deputy can not be combined, inter alia with the function of an ambassador. The provisions of the constitution are mentioned in art. The electoral code provides for the expiry of the mandate of a deputy in the event of "appointment during the term of office or functions entrusted by virtue of the provisions of the Constitution of the Republic of Poland or of its statutes." [19659003] The electoral code also stipulates that the expiry of the term of office of a member appointed or elected during the term of a position or function that can not be combined with the mandate takes place on the day of the election. appointment or election and states that "the mandate of the deputy is immediately pronounced by Marshal Seym".

On the expiry of the Głębocki mandate, Marshal Marek Kuchciński issued on July 2. "I declare the expiry of the term of Konrad Zygmunt Głębocki on June 5, 2018" – it is written in the document. According to information published on the Sejm website, Konrad Głębocki took part in a total of 175 votes on 6, 7 and 15 June (6 June – 23 votes, 7 June – 69, 15 June – 83).

Seym Andrzej Grzegrzółka told PAP on Tuesday that Głębocki had been informed on 19 June that Głębocki was appointed ambassador of Poland to Italy after the June vote, where, as the director of the IEC said, he participated as a deputy by right.

MEPs announced that they would report on Wednesday to the prosecutor's office allegations of crimes committed by Konrad Głębocki, former deputy of law and justice, and the president of Sejm Marek Kuchciński about the participation of Głębocki to the post of ambassador.

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