Latest News: Long live the former Zimbabwean leader Mugabe


HARARE, Zimbabwe – Latest news on the election of Zimbabwe (all local):


Singing The Zimbabweans gathered to see Robert Mugabe, a 94-year-old former leader, vote in spite of his troubled heritage.

"We miss him, I saw him for the last time a long time ago," says Everjoy Tafirei, 22. Mugabe resigned in November under military pressure after 37 years in power.

"I just want to see him face to face, even shake my hand like someone I've supported all my life, I always feel like my hero." , says Jacob Mucheche, 34.

Mugabe struggled to enter the polling station but raised his fist before entering, recognizing the crowd

contrast with grim faces as the successor to Mugabe, President Emmerson Mnangagwa, voted earlier.



Former Zimbabwean leader Robert Mugabe voted in the country's first elections without his name on the ballot 19659014] Struggling to walk, Mugabe, 94, raised his fist to sing his supporters and then slowly walked to the center of the city. vote and had his finger inked, and was helped by his wife in the booth.

Mugabe, who resigned in November under military pressure, appeared Sunday after months of silence to declare that he did not want to vote for the party he had controlled for a long time.

He indicated that opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, 40, was the only viable candidate

. a high voter turnout after election years tainted with allegations of rigging and violence.


12:55 pm

The Zimbabwe Electoral Commission indicated that it had sent to the police at least two candidates who allegedly broke the law. in campaign after time limit

The chairman of the commission refuses to name the names at a press conference, but the candidates are presumably the president Emmerson Mnangagwa and the main opponent to the press. opposition, Nelson Chamisa. Both issued public statements Sunday

Campaigns ended 24 hours before election opening Monday morning

Violations could be turned into a criminal or civil case

Zimbabwe faces a historic and peaceful election so far. seeks to overtake long-time leader Robert Mugabe, who resigned in November under military pressure.



A South African court overturned a decision to grant diplomatic immunity to the former Zimbabwean prime minister. Ms. Grace Mugabe in a case where she was accused of beating a young model with a power cord

South African media reports that the South Gauteng High Court said the government's decision last year was incompatible with the constitution. first lady when a young South African model accused her of aggression in a Johannesburg hotel. Mugabe was allowed to leave the country, a decision that provoked an uproar.

Her husband, Robert Mugabe, was removed from office in November under military pressure after a feud in power when the first lady seemed to be positioning for


The two main candidates for the presidency Zimbabwe faced radically different receptions in their historic elections

Solemn faces greeted President Emmerson Mnangagwa as he arrived with his wife. rural school in Kwekwe. People crossed their arms and watched while he was leaving in his motorcade

Meanwhile, the opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, was invaded by enthusiastic and enthusiastic supporters on the periphery of the capital, Harare. And the atmosphere in the other polling stations was largely joyous because people were lining up. Mnangagwa had already lost parliamentary elections in his constituency of Kwekwe and had been appointed by former leader Robert Mugabe to an unelected seat in parliament, which elicited derisory comments from the opposition on his lack of voter turnout.


10:50 am

The Zimbabwean government newspaper Herald severely criticizes the main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa, on election day, calling him Robert Mugabe's proxy and dismissing his claims. to represent change

The front-page comment follows Mugabe, 94, saying he would not vote for his former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa and that Chamisa is the only viable candidate

"Now, Is the man who attempts a proxy return, "The Herald said. Sending to Chamisa, 40, he continues, "You gladly become the paw of his cat pretending to be an independent man representing a new generation."

Chamisa declared that he would accept the vote of Mugabe or any other Zimbabwean, Robert Mugabe was forced to resign in November after the military takeover and the decision of the ruling party of ZANU-PF dismiss him, a few weeks after he fired Mnangagwa, 75, into a ruling party.

10:25 am

A politician in the Zimbabwean Bulawayo opposition stronghold says that there are many reports of "voting at a snail's pace".

David Coltart, An Opposition Supporter Leader Nelson Chamisa said he hoped election observers would pay close attention to the pace of voting "because it's a way to suppress urban voting."

Coltart says on Twitter that the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission has deliberately slowed down voting in urban areas. the election of 2002 to undermine the opposition, which traditionally has strong support in major cities.

Past elections have been tainted with irregularities. But the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission says the election – the first without Robert Mugabe – will be free and fair.



Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa Voted in His Electoral District of Kwekwe, About 200 Kilometers South of the Capital, Harare

Mnangagwa wore a country-colored scarf when He arrived at a primary school converted to a polling station, and briefly discussed with the election workers after voting.

He told reporters that he is engaged in a Zimbabwe in which people have the "freedom to express their opinions, negative or positive." He called the peaceful vote.

And he took criticism of former leader Robert Mugabe Sunday in stride, saying that "He is a citizen … He can engage me anytime."



A former minister and opposition leader in Zimbabwe says it's a "beautiful day" Dumiso Dabengwa, opposition leader African Union of the People African, told the South African news agency eNCA that the election offers two radically different routes for Zimbabweans

"It's a decision maker. whether Zimbabwe is going ahead or remains stuck in the problems it faces today, "said Dabengwa, who has been jailed for years without charge under former leader Robert Mugabe: He describes the vote as a choice between a "fresh start" and the "status quo."

Dabengwa says he supports the main opposition leader, Nelson Chamisa.



Piercing Whistles and cheers greeted opposition leader Zimbabwe's Nelson Chamisa at the country's historic elections

Crowds swarm with the lawyer and the 40-year-old pastor at a polling station just outside Harare President Emmerson Mnangagwa was first elected in Zimbabwe without Robert Mugabe at the polls and the contest could provide legitimacy and investment international organizations or report greater stagnation if the vote is seriously flawed.



One of the Zimbabwean voters is the brother of Itai Dzamara, an activist kidnapped by an alleged state. The agents in 2015 after urging long-time leader Robert Mugabe to resign at a time when most Zimbabweans did not dare to do so.

Patson Dzamara says on Twitter that the change is coming and he thanks his brother for "paving the way for me and the others". his impudent and sometimes lonely protests. "My brother, Itai Dzamara, is for you, I did it for you."

The family and supporters of the missing activist called on President Emmerson Mnangagwa, a Mugabe veteran, to explain what happened to Dzamara after being taken in a car by five unidentified men. , who took over after Mugabe's resignation in November, did not answer. Mugabe on Sunday called Dzamara "this character" and claimed not to know his fate.

Patson Dzamara says he supports Nelson Chamisa, the main opposition leader.


9:05 am

urges the country to remain peaceful during a historic election, saying that "we are a people, with a dream and a destiny." We will sink or swim together. "

75-year-old President Emmerson Mnangagwa took over from Robert Mugabe, the long-time leader, who resigned under military pressure in November.

Nelson Chamisa, 40, is the main challenger for Mnangagwa. who took control of the main opposition party after the death of Morgan Tsvangirai, long-standing candidate for Mugabe in February

The more than 5 million registered voters in Zimbabwe form long lines in the capital, Harare, and elsewhere

. : 05:00

Zimbabweans vote in their first election without Robert Mugabe on the ballot, a contest that could bring international legitimacy and investment or signal greater stagnation if the vote is seriously flawed.

vote Monday in this nation of southern Africa eager for change after decades of economic paralysis and the reign of nearly four decades of the 94-year-old Mugabe.

Long lines of voters are waiting tside a few polling stations. Thousands of election observers are in the country to observe a process that the opposition describes as biased.

The two main candidates are President Emmerson Mnangagwa, 75, a former vice president who succeeded Mugabe last year. and Nelson Chamisa, who became head of the main opposition party just a few months ago.

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