Lech Kaczyński would like us to do our utmost for Poland and try to do it


The President would like us to do our utmost for Poland and we are trying to do it – President Andrzej Duda said after mass. on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of President Lech Kaczyński celebrated Tuesday night at Wawel Cathedral.

As noted Duda, after the ceremony, he mentioned the sixtieth anniversary of President Lech Kaczyński, ten years ago in Warsaw.

It's such a great emotion – I remember how we all met at the palace in the picture room, and then we had such a short meeting of the friends of the president, his colleagues from the other side of the room. Orangery – a small tear turns

– Andrzej Duda told reporters.

READ MORE: Solemn Mass at Wawel on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the birth of Lech Kaczyński. The Eucharist brought together, among others President and Prime Minister

In the solemn Mass President Andrzej Duda, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and PiS President Jarosław Kaczyński participated in the 70th anniversary of the birth of President Lech Kaczyński. The ceremony was presided over by Metropolitan Archbishop Marek Jędraszewski.

Among the newcomers were also presidents of the Sejm and Senate, members of the government and the daughter of the late presidential couple Marta Kaczyńska.

After mass in the sarcophagus of Lech and Maria Kaczyński, wreaths and flowers were placed in the crypt of the cathedral.

President Lech Kaczyński was killed on April 10, 2010 in the plane crash Tu-154M in Smolensk. He went to the 70th anniversary celebration of the Katyn massacre; with him, his wife and 94 passengers died, including many representatives of the Polish political, military and religious elite, as well as memorable circles of the Katyn massacre.

The funeral of the presidential couple took place in Krakow on April 18, 2010. In the crypt, in which there is a sarcophagus of Lech and Maria Kaczyński, a plaque was unveiled in September 2010 in honor of the victims of the disaster in Smolensk and the sentence pronounced in Latin: "Corpora dormiunt, animae vigilante" (the bodies are asleep, the souls look).

kk / PAP

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