Legutko comments on the "debate" after the Prime Minister's speech. "This room is safe from listening to arguments"


– It is rather the desire to tease Poland, to grill it, to condemn it for its successes, for the fact that one is developing fast, chasing, stomping on the heels of the big and the wealthy that we want to get out of economic and financial sovereignty. This does not appeal because it is large sums of money and their source was only to be paid to the West – said in an interview with Niezalezna.pl, in reference to Prime Minister Morawiecki's speech in Strasbourg, MP Janusz Szewczak

Speeches of the European Parliament believe that "attempts to reduce cohesion policy are populism, cohesion policy, an ambitious fight against inequalities, a "win-win" situation for the EU's founding countries and for all other Member States. "

Janusz Szewczak, Member of Parliament for Law and Justice, Vice-Chairman of the Public Finance Committee, "Populism is made by the European Commission presenting such cut proposals".

I have been saying for a long time that Poland does not attach enough importance to the costs of our membership of the EU and the use of cohesion funds, because about PLN 30 billion a year is spent on the budget. . It should also be remembered that our contributions to the EU budget amount to about PLN 200 billion from the moment of admission to the Community. This is not just because for every euro obtained from the EU about 60-80 eurocents come back for example in the form of technology and the purchase of license, interest on loans – he explained in an interview Niezalezna.pl.

MP PiS stressed that "it is not only that we are the beneficiaries, but the opposite".

What the EU is currently proposing with regard to cohesion policy is above all a proposal. In my opinion, such reductions will not be. They are contrary to the fundamental principles of the EU Treaty, namely solidarity. Probably the budget will be decided by a completely different form of the European Parliament and the European Commission. because the Eurosceptic parties will have more success in the elections. It is rather the desire to tease Poland, to grill it, to condemn it for its successes, for the fact that one is developing rapidly, chasing, stomping on the heels of the big and the rich, that we want to get out of economic and financial sovereignty. This does not appeal because it is large sums of money, and their source should flow only to the West – estimated our interlocutor

According to Janusz Szewczak, "The EU has such huge problems that it should not deal with Poland, if it survives – if the euro will survive, what they will do in Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, which need hundreds of billions of euros to get out of the crisis, these indicators will all increase. "[19659008ItisgoodthatweresistinternationalinternationalascenethatthePrimeGovernmentisstronglyandfirmlyconfiningbuttheEUandtheactionsofimmermansJunckeretsonallMerkelluinuireandcontributetoreducesonautority-headded

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