Leo Express has obtained a license. PKP competitor will appear on Polish tracks on Friday


The President of the Railway Transport Agency has issued to LEO express permission to bring into use the traction unit Flirt – informs Rynek Kolejowy. The UTK decision officially opens the possibility of starting Czech rail transport on the Polish market. The first trains leave at night from Friday to Saturday.

The decision is important because without it, the carrier could not start providing services at the scheduled time.

Leo Express, as we have already informed, began selling tickets in Poland on June 25. Currently, travelers can enjoy a connection – Prague-Katowice-Krakow. First, weekend crossings will be available.

From Krakow to Prague, a private train will depart on Mondays and Saturdays, on the other side of Prague from Krakow: Fridays and Sundays. The journey time from Krakow to Prague will be 6 hours 35 minutes, and from Katowice to Prague 4 hours 42 minutes. Promotional tickets are currently available for sale from July 20th to September 1st and their prices start at PLN 19. Details can be found in this material.

As explained by the Railway Transport Office, so that a carrier from another Member State of the European Union can provide services in Poland he must fulfill several conditions. Must have a license, security certificates and decision on free access.

PKP Competition Is Growing

Leo Express is not the only foreign carrier that wants to fight for the Polish market. The expansion of operations is planned by Arriva (owned by Deutsche Bahn). The carrier would like to establish a connection with Warsaw. Another Czech company – RegioJet wants to leave for the Polish tracks.

Also read: In some Polish trains, the "Zone of Silence" applies. Satisfied passengers

The situation will change in 2020. Then the Polish railway market will open to foreign competition. In 2023, carriers will be able to apply for treatment of routes covered by government grants. And then the rail revolution has the chance to bring full benefits to passengers.


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