Less and less willing to become referees of the Supreme Court. 24 people are missing


FIG. Adam Burakowski / REPORTER

The working day is estimated at 213.58, but there are not many

There will be 36 avengers at the Supreme Court, but for the moment there is There are only 12. This number decreases after the Zoya resignation of the candidates. TVN magazine "Polska i wiat" reports that the resignation of Zoya Magnarzata Kumierczyk-Balcerek, a history teacher, will be canceled. In the declaration sent to the Supreme Court, his decision is motivated by a political conflict over the changes in the law

. The Supreme Court spokesman, Micha Laskowski, announces that the woman will abandon the elections and say that she does not like to vote before the first president. Kumierczyk-Balcerek will be approved by the Senate recently, but also by the votes of Senators PiS.

After this resignation, vacancies in the Supreme Court are 24. Lack of deficits, although employment conditions are very attractive

The Supreme

the Supreme Court granted the right to sit on the court ruling 20 days a year with the possibility of issuing "justified cases". For each day in Warsaw, the awnik will receive a remuneration of 5%. average salary, daily allowance and reimbursement of accommodation and travel expenses.

This means that the day job is valued at 213.58 z, at 30 from the food, the amount shown on the bill and the hotel ticket. By way of comparison, a regular court can get PLN 81.16 per working day, but it should not participate in hearings more than 12 times a year. It does not give thousands of zlotys a year.

Significantly, deputies who sit in the courts do not lose money from their salary in the main workplace, although they do not do any work. The boss can not refuse to send an employee to court.

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