Less money for a political adventure? Bodnar complains that the Sejm limits its funds


Lamentation of Adam Bodnar! The Commissioner of Citizens' Rights is hysterical about the good decision of the finance committee members who limited him to office funding. Maybe because of that, he will stop doing politics and deal with real problems of the Poles?

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Bodnar demanded 48 million zlotys, but by decision of the parliamentary finance committee it will receive 7 million zlotys less. The sum of 48 million was still 8 million higher than last year. Why does the RPO need money?

Bureau employees – committed, curious and sensitive to human problems and the harms caused by high-level specialists, often unrivaled in the labor market, have not increased their salaries for many years. Nor do we have sufficient funds to invest in specialized training, workshops, or other activities that form the basis of modern management, so that we can better serve all those who ask for help. assistance to the ombudsman.

– explains the office of the RPO in a tearful communication.

Meanwhile, by 2016, the Defender's budget had been reduced by almost 10 million PLN by Parliament and had reached its 2011 level. The year 2017 was a new year of significant budget cuts in the party "08-Rzecznik Praw Obywatelskich". Of the 41,039,000 postulated by the defender Parliament granted him 37,372,000 zlotys. PLN, it is almost 4 million PLN less.

– the representatives of the office explain.

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The spokesman lists the new sentences, raises the issue of successive objectives and complains about the employees. Or perhaps should it reduce costly activities related more to political activities than to human rights activities? We all remember the later conclusions of the ROP before the Constitutional Court, from which he then withdrew? Upcoming conferences and training for the caste of judges.

READ ALSO: Renaming embarrassing Bodnar! He withdrew his petition to the Constitutional Court because the judges did not like him!

Domestic and foreign travel, during which the spokesperson worries about the violation of the rule of law in Poland, are also expensive. Why, then, do Polish citizens finance Adam Bodnar's policy?


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