Listen to the sounds of the explosion of a supernova of a star


Astronomers working on the Arma Large Millimeter Array (ALMA), studying the electromagnetic spectrum across the cosmos, fall on a burst of gamma rays (GRB), and the birth of a black hole like the massive star that he was once lost his fight for several billion years with gravity. The resulting supernova and GRB are among the most important and forceful events in the universe

The event recorded by ALMA astronomers occurred at about 2 billion years ago. Light-years, reports a report from Northwestern University. This newborn black hole, as it ate the rest of what makes the star, has literally made a fast, but incredibly intense flash of gamma rays on Earth, where NASA's Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory has detected for the first time December 2016.

Astronomers realized that the rebound caused by the powerful explosion of this GRB crashed on the surrounding debris and that it lasted much longer than expected. These observations, say the researchers, offer new insights into the complex physics of GRBs.

The gamma rays of the explosion disappeared from sight only seven seconds later, but the longer wavelengths of supernova-light that includes X rays, visible light and radio were on for a few weeks. The event, known as GRB 161219B, has been observed by several observatories around the world including the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory X-ray telescope, the UK's Very Large Array and ALMA, the infrared telescope. report. 19659002] Observations made by all allowed a team of astronomers, including astrophysicists Wen-fai Fong and Raffaella Margutti, to produce the first ever ALMA accelerated film of a cosmic explosion that led to the formation of a young black hole

The "cosmic film" has shown a long-lasting echo as sound to radio waves, known as a reverse shock, notes the report.

"With our current understanding of GRB, we would normally expect a reverse shock to last only a few seconds," said Tanmoy Laskar, of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), who led the study. "This lasted a good part of a whole day."

A reverse shock occurs when star particles and dust evaporate at cause of a GRB because of its powerful outlets that snap in the surrounding gases.This slows down so much the material that escapes that a shock wave is actually sent back into the outgoing stream

" Having a reverse shock that comes back in the flow of the explosion, it's like having a powerful light bulb that illuminates the interiors of the blast. what makes this event unique, "said Margutti, one of the researchers involved in the study.

This study was first published in the Astrophysical Journal.

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