Local elections 2018. Eight regional assemblies for political PiS


– We hope to receive from four to five regional assemblies in the local elections of autumn – announced at the end of July an anonymous adviser of Jarosław Kaczyński by Gazeta Wyborcza.

However, the division of the plots turned out to be much more beneficial for the PiS. The party obtained an independent majority in six provinces – Podlasie, Lublin, Podkarpacie, Swietokrzyskie, ódê and Małopolska. In three other countries (Silesia, Lower Silesia, Mazovia) he achieved the best result, which created opportunities for coalition governments.

On the other hand, the Civic Coalition envisioned taking power in ten regions where the PiS did not win an independent majority. The message had to be simple: if Nowogrodzka can not rule alone, he can not govern at all.

This is the post-election map of Poland. The PiS and the opposition divided the voivodeship parliaments after mid-termThis is the post-election map of Poland. The PiS and the opposition divided the voivodeship parliaments after mid-term Graphics: Marta Kondrusik

Matecznik got

The first battleground of local governments between the United Right and widely understood opposition was Lower Silesia, civic platform of the civic platform and at the head of its president, Grzegorz Schetyna. The post-election power system appeared in such a way that Citizens & # 39; Coalition (thirteen councilors) and PiS (fourteen councilors) have a chance to be in the region. The key was why the six-member Independent Councilor, with six terms, would express it.

Those who, from the beginning, announced that they were open to discussions with everyone, and what matters to them, is only how much the region will benefit from a potential alliance. The PiS did not miss an opportunity and sent trusted people to Lower Silesia – the head of Chancellery of Prime Minister Michał Dworczyk (he was responsible for all post-election PiS negotiations in the regions) and party vice president Adam Lipiński (head of party structures in Dolny Śląsk). Of course, with a wide range of political and commercial benefits that will persuade non-partisans to form a coalition. The opposition has not been able to handle the pace in this race and the region has evolved.

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A prestigious victory did not come cheap. Not aligned in exchange for the coalition with the PiS, they received the position of Marshal, who remained Cezary Przybylski, as well as two other posts in the direction of the province (Tymoteusz Myrda's board of directors and Michał Bobowiec). This list of benefits is far from over. As announced "Gazeta Wrocławska", the independent party has negotiated with the government an impressive number of elements, including:

  1. 15% reduction. copper tax (and introduction from 1 April 2019 of the share of autonomous autonomy, tax included)
  2. extension of the Dolny Śląsk highways network towards Międzylesia (Wrocław – Kłodzko – Międzylelsie – state border)
  3. construction of a technology park in Lubin
  4. construction of a new oncological hospital in Wrocław
  5. support for the construction of the sports center of Lower Silesia in the clearing of Jakuszyce, sports center im. Irena Szewiñska in Lubin and the club stadium Górnik Nowe Miasto Wałbrzych

On the Polish political scene, it was assumed that there was such a polarization that it was difficult to build non-obvious coalitions, and this agreement, which we have just concluded, is proof that they think of all the good of the inhabitants, Thinking about the region, you can cooperate despite the political divisions

– after signing the coalition agreement, Minister Dworczyk did not hide his happiness.

Battle of Mazovia

The scenario of Lower Silesia could be repeated in Mazovia. In the largest and richest region, the situation was valid until the last hours before the first meeting of the newly elected regional council. The Citizen Coalition won eighteen seats here and the PSL eight. PiS – 24. The composition of the regional council was completed by a non-partisan autonomy advisor. Nowogrodzka was not enough to get along with the non-partisan, and at least one adviser from the PSL or the Citizens Coalition had to be present.

This did not deter PiS, who quickly began tracking down the next advisors. In Mazovia, the negotiations of the Sejmik party, with the exception of Minister Dworczyk, were also coordinated by the chairman of the Standing Committee of the Council of Ministers, Jacek Sasin, and Senate President Stanisław Karczewski. The regime was the same as in Dolny Śląsk – promises of high political office and lucrative positions in state-owned companies.

– There is fear, there is uncertainty. They came to us – Gazeta.pl said in a modern policy with Gazeta.pl. And he added:

I know at least two councilors myself. One of them made a suggestion, the other – it is not known. But I know a man and 99%. I'm sure he'll drop them on a tree

What does "match" mean? The same interlocutor cited the following situation: – The adviser's colleague recently had professional problems and when PiS employees submitted a transfer offer to him, they even knew the debit of the account. This is not normal

Senate Speaker Stanisław KarczewskiSenate Speaker Stanisław Karczewski Fig. Dawid Zuchowicz / Agencja Gazeta

The determination of PiS is confirmed by the story described by Onet. In the final stretch before the first meeting of the new council, Marshal Karczewski and Minister Sasin personally went to one of the Baltic resorts where the Peasant Party Councilor Leszek Przybytniak was resident. Karczewski has known him for years and he is the one who dragged him into the "good change" camp. However, not for free. In exchange for this transfer, Przybytniak, an apple producer known in Mazovia, would become the deputy minister of agriculture in the field of fruit growing. The fact is that the PSL advisor did not take advantage of the offer and that the PiS had to fend off with the likes. Finally, the Civic Coalition of the PSL will reign in Mazovia and Adam Struzik will remain the marshal.

"Kausa, you're crowning"

Not everywhere, the Citizens Coalition had the same luck as in Mazovia. The example of the Silesian adviser Wojciech Ka³u¿a is proof that it is difficult to resist the proposals of PiS. It's just before the first session of the new regional council that his colleagues from the Citizens Coalition have been made aware, by providing the PiS counselors club. Ka³ua's superiors became furious. Why? Because this mandate lacked a "good change" camp to gain power in the region (before it was created, the electrical system looked like this: the PiS had 22 seats, the KO twenty, the SLD two and the PSL a).

Kausa, you curse, you traitor! I hope we will settle all bloody lips for the year

– shouted, according to the report of "Dziennik Zachodni", the MP Monika Rosa during the event organized in the ory of "Ka³u¿a, hand a ticket". The behavior of the parliamentarian, although scandalous, can not be surprising. After all, she was in charge of checking candidates for party letters. And Ka³u¿a was the "unique" list of the Citizens Coalition for the Silesian Regional Council.

For his decision, he was awarded the position of Vice-President of the Regional Council. – According to private conversations conducted by Ka³u¿a, financial problems are to be expected. Pruszka was supposed to tell his friends that he was "set up" – said one of the Silesian deputies in an interview with Wirtualna Polska. In the same article, we read that the benefits of the transfer of a husband should also be granted to Kaluga. It is thought that she could even become the vice president of Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa.

Inaugural session of Sejmik of Silesian Voivodeship, Wojciech Kała and Jakub ChełstowskiInaugural session of Sejmik of Silesian Voivodeship, Wojciech Kała and Jakub Chełstowski ANNA LEWAÑSKA

The politicians of the Coalition of Citizens do not hide their indignation at the behavior of the Ka³uża councilor. They do not intend to let him go. Grzegorz Schetyna, chairman of the Platforma Obywatelska, announced the presentation of a notification to the prosecutor's office concerning "the commission of a crime related to political corruption against an elected member of the Silesian Council in the letter of Wojciech Kałua Citizen Coalition ".

Hit in Podlasie

Not everywhere however, the PiS went as smoothly and smoothly as in Silesia and Lower Silesia. The surprise came to Podlasie, in one of the largest bastions of the PiS. In a 30-member parliament, the PiS has won sixteen seats and can govern independently. It seemed that the choice of the marshal and the provincial board of directors would be purely formal.

Nothing more wrong. At the first meeting of the new regional council, it appeared that the instructions of the PiS political committee concerning the personnel were completely different from what the councilor of the ruling party Podlaski had promised to the head of his structures – the vice minister and former Minister of Agriculture, Krzysztof Jurgiel. The councilors revolted and the president of the regional council was elected by Karol Pilecki, seconded by the Coalition of citizens and the PSL.

Podlasie Deputies' Conference and PiS Candidates (United Right) at the Podlasie Regional CouncilPodlasie Deputies' Conference and PiS Candidates (United Right) at the Podlasie Regional Council AGNIESZKA SADOWSKA

It is true that the Marshal of the Voivodeship, in accordance with the plans of Nowogrodzka, was at the head of the structures of Białystok PiS, Artur Kosicki, but the problem of the management of the province remained. After the party's intervention, members of the PiS council must dispel any confusion at the third session of the regional council – November 29th. It is then that Councilor Pilecki will be removed from his presidency (Bogusław Dębski will replace him). At the same meeting, the councilors also elected vice-premiers and members of the voivodeship office, as well as the vice-president of the regional council.

PiS with a shield

The turmoil in Podlasie, however, should not obscure the image of Poland after the elections. And this one is very beneficial for PiS. Nowogrodzka managed to get the best result (34.13%) from the history of local elections under the Third Republic. In the final analysis, this allowed to gain power in eight provincial councils (twice as much as planned in the PiS until the summer of this year). For comparison, during the 2014-18 legislature, the PiS only ruled in Podkarpacie.

Controlling half of the regional councils means that the ruling party will be even stronger in the so-called region. Voivodship authorities are, after all, real jobs for party activists, real money for distribution and real political influence. In short, water for a mill for party structures.

Finally, the political picture problem that the PiS experienced after the local elections (and before the European elections and the national parliament) is extremely important. The idea was to show that the PiS had a coalition capability and even though he was not able to govern independently he could communicate with other formations. The examples of Silesia and Lower Silesia – although the opposition calls this political corruption – show that it has not been possible to create a cordon sanitaire around the PiS. And that's the best news possible for President Kaczyński's party before the 2019 double election.

Cymanski: I hope that the relationship between Kaczyński-Wa³sa will improve

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