Łódź Fabryczna is the most modern resort in Poland. And PKP about him … he forgot


  • The renovation of "Fabryczna" ended in December 2016
  • and absorbed nearly two billion zlotys through the construction of one of the most modern facilities in Poland
  • but PKP SA omits this station on its website. The station of Łódź Kaliska
  • is worth visiting: PKP explains to Onet that the website of the company is not targeted and that it will be updated soon. However, the head of the PO council club, such an action is simple: kuriozum

They waited five years for the new boat station – it was the renovation that ended in December 2016. It is then that the building platform, which is one of the most modern in Poland, has entered the first train after years of disruption. Since then, the passenger traffic on "Fabryczna" is close to that before the renovation. The object itself is impressive, only … not at the PKP.

On the company website, in the section recommending stations in Poland, PKP claims the management of 2500 objects and 600 of them provide passenger traffic. Below, the company gives examples of objects that it has itself. Thus, among the 12 mentioned, there are three Warsaw stations: Central, Western and Eastern Warsaw, there is the main railway station in Krakow, Wroclaw and Poznan, and Łódź is the Łódź Kaliska station. About "Fabryczna" – not a word, but in terms of standard and degree of modernization, with "Kaliska" wins "in reward"

PKP: this is not the final version of the site [19659008] press service PKP SA in conversation with Onet they are angry: there will be changes. – It's about rebuilding the site, when it includes a dozen stations, but this is not the final version – explains Aleksandra Grzelak of the press office of PKP SA. – We are working on changes but it's difficult to give a specific date when they will be introduced. When it comes to, probably Łódź Fabryczna will be among the resorts included in this particular place – he is happy.

Chief Councilor Council PO: Kuriozum. They employ thousands of people, and here such a "wtopa"

In conversation with Onet, the situation was briefly commented by the chief councilor PO PO Mateusz Walasek: both terrible and funny. – Your publisher, it is the proof of a lack of extreme professionalism, that is to say simple and stupid. It's stupid to employ people so incompetent – he emphasizes.

– Most likely, the site comes from over two years ago and no one wanted to update it. It's just that PKP is not, sorry for the comparison, a shoemaker workshop, but a serious business, also nurtured for our money. He employs thousands of people, and here he is "wtopa" – he points out. – After all, such mention on the PKP website can result in potential advertisers and the influence of a given station … Every normal manager would like a station like Łódź Fabryczna, but apparently PKP has standards different – says Walasek. "Caillou in the garden of the incompetence of the brother of the governor"

The head of the OP council club stresses that the actions of PKP SA are one thing, but the other is the efforts of the manager. – This honorable role is played by Mr. Janusz Rau, the brother of the PiS Lodz Voivode. And he should also make sure that Łódź Fabryczna is noisy. Well, we see how he made sure, it's a pebble in the garden of his incompetence – the Walasek irons. – Because he also could not ensure that "Fabryczna" finally appeared tenants sensitive to the retail space, because now there is a vacuum, the wind buzzes. – Remember. – It's really curious, the situation is: and terribly, and ridiculous – it blooms.

The current list of stations managed by PKP SA can be consulted at this address: http://www.pkp.pl/pl/dworce/nasze-dworce

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