London mayor authorizes airship "Trump Baby" for UK president's trip


LONDON – A week before President Trump's working visit to Britain, the Mayor of London authorized an additional participant at the city's welcome reception: an orange giant balloon of the president represented as a baby in a layer.

is part of the "Stop Trump" events planned for the visit from 13 July. Activist groups and unions organized an online petition asking the mayor to allow the balloon flight over Parliament. It attracted more than 10,000 signatories

. Trump's visit to Britain was originally scheduled to coincide with the opening of the new US embassy in January, but it was abruptly canceled with a message on Twitter from the president saying that he did not did not want to inaugurate the building because the Obama administration had paid too much for it

The British and American authorities speculated that the real reason Mr. Trump had withdrawn from the trip was because of the risk large-scale events.

Ms. May was the first foreign leader to visit Mr Trump at the White House in January, with the aim of strengthening relations with Britain's largest trading partner outside the European Union before the UK's withdrawal from the bloc

stated that Mr. Khan supported the right to demonstrate peacefully and realized that the planned protests could take different forms.

"His city operations team met with the organizers and gave them the Permission to use Parliament Square Garden as a starting point. airship, "said the representative in a statement

The presence of the balloon could further aggravate relations between the mayor and Mr. Trump, who were involved in a series of Twitter's comments over the past year

However, it will still be necessary to obtain the final approval of the Metropolitan Police and the British Air Traffic Control before being able to fly the balloon.

Mr. Trump inspired other protests last year, an artist and a documentary maker inflated a giant Trump chicken with a golden headdress in front of the White House to try to make a statement about the fact that the president was a " weak and ineffective leader. "

Nigel Farage, the former head of the UK anti-immigrant independence party and a supporter of Trump, criticized the mayor's decision to approve the airship, by saying on Twitter that the balloon would make London ridiculous. "It's the biggest insult to an American president ever sitting," he wrote .

But Aidan Kerr, a press officer for the Scottish Labor Party, asked to be different. Responding to Mr. Farage, he writes : "We literally set fire to the White House in 1814."

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