Lublin. Jaros³aw B. threw her fourth floor partner because she did not want to have sex


Everything happened in early July on the Kruczkowskiego estate in Lublin. Jarosław B., 25, and his partner rented an apartment on site. According to Dziennik Wschodni, the couple allegedly abused alcohol and amphetamine. Likewise was the day when a little hair came to a tragedy.

According to the records, Jaros³aw B. had tried to convince his partner to have sex, but the woman had refused to agree. There was a fight between them. At one point, the woman hit the 25-year-old with a chest. Then B. l caught her by the hips and threw her out the window from the fourth floor.

The woman fell on the sidewalk and the lawn, she was conscious, but she could not move. She came to the hospital, where it turned out that she had, among other things, broken ribs and spine, cracked kidneys and liver. She has managed to survive, but we do not know when she will recover.

Today, as reported by Dziennik Wschodni, the Lublin District Court has been indicted in this case – B. He is responsible for the attempted murder, for which he may be sentenced to 25 years. years in prison and even to life imprisonment. B. he did not confess the alleged acts to his author, he also states that they had sex with the girl and that they fell asleep thereafter. He maintained that when he woke up, his partner was gone.

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