Lublin: the pilot arrived on the pole. Two people died


When the rescuers appeared on site, 2 people were lying on the road and 2 others were stuck in the car. The victim is a 17-year-old mother and 45-year-old mother. Before them was a 44-year-old father and his 45-year-old colleague. Both men were drunk.

The accident occurred on Friday at 10:40 pm on the way of Majdanek's martyrs in Lublin.

When the services appeared on the spot, the resuscitation took charge of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation of the mother and the son, and the firemen drew men trapped in a broken car. It was necessary to use hydraulic tools

The driver, as well as the passenger – the husband and father of the victims, were transported to the hospital with injuries. They were both drunk. Preliminary studies showed that the driver had 0.6 per thousand alcohol and that the passenger was close to 3!

In the beginning, everything indicated that the driver had entered pedestrians. One of the bodies was at a considerable distance from the car, he also had many serious injuries.

During activities, it turned out that all four were traveling together.

Initial results indicate that a group of people was heading towards the center. At the intersection with ul. Wrońska probably entered the red light

At that time, from ul. Garbarska was leaving another car. The Mazda driver lost control of the vehicle, as a result of which the car struck the side of the lighthouse post

. The incident had to be so loud that the passengers at the back were fallen from the car

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