Łukasz Kuczera: Orlen will not waste money. Kubica is a guarantee of success (comment)


It's happened. Orlen officially became Williams' sponsor and the network of critics began to crack down on the network. It's just that they do not understand the commercial laws. The company will not lose its presence in Formula 1. This can only win.

Łukasz Kuczera

Łukasz Kuczera

Press material
/ Williams
/ In the photo: Robert Kubica

Without a doubt, this is a group transaction. Robert Kubica became Williams' driver and, in return, the Grove team forged a cooperation with Orlen. The Malcontents will say that the Polish company had a good deal with the British, and that's what Kubica was able to achieve. It may be and it does not change the heart of the problem.

Orlen, by the decision to support Williams, entered the first division. The game with the biggest rivals – BP, Petronas, Shelle and some other oil companies present in Formula 1 for years. The moment was perfect, because soon we will not have the opportunity to have our driver in the queen of motorsport. Given our infrastructure and our training system, this may never happen. Kubica is a miracle and it happens once in the hundreds.

The Poles complain that the Polish company throws money into the sewers, that it pays 100 million zlotys to meet the whims of one person. Such comments make it clear that many speakers have no idea what he is talking about. Orlen would have spent that money anyway. His sponsorship budget is not rubber. The company has made a substantial transfer to Williams' accounts, but will drop some of the commercials on television and in the press. What advantage would it have for the fact that his logos were on Gazeta Polska or other pro-government media?

What is the advantage of Orlen from his appearance in the F1 world? Considerable. However, we must look globally, and many critics do not. Soon Orlen will merge with Lotos, he will become a giant for the conditions of the eastern part of Europe. Already 60 percent. The business figure of the company comes from foreign markets. About this average Kowalski, do not write "Janusz", has no idea. He thinks that Orlen are only stations in Poland, that he only wins at Polish service stations, where only Poles buy fuel. Fault.

SEE VIDEO: Karczot crosses his fingers for Kubica: I thought he'd come back. Stabilization is the most important thing now

Orlen must think about the future, because after joining Lotos, he will be a giant in the Polish market. In fact, he will be kissed on it. It must go beyond Poland on the international stage. It's hard to get a better promotion than by F1 and always with Kubica alongside which the whole world is back to the queen of motorsport. Watch the reactions of the international media. In a few minutes, information about the cooperation between Orlen and Williams appeared on many foreign portals.

Maybe today many F1 fans in Spain, Germany or Britain have heard of such a brand for the first time. If they encourage the brands Kubica and Williams, they will buy the Orlen product in store shelves as soon as possible. Because the fan sometimes buys with his heart.

According to rumors, the problems of Szczecin Szczecin Shipyard are the result of Orlen's decision to support Kubica. It's just that by spending a few million dollars for contracts with stars such as Bartosz Kurek, Matej Kazijski or Nikolai Penczew, our fuel giant would not have any advertising outside of Poland . Ba, he would not even increase it among volleyball fans, where he has been known for years thanks to his cooperation with the Polish national team.

It can be outraged that Orlen spends $ 100 million on Kubica. It's just our national good. The only pole in F1. In sports, which is popular around the world. These are no longer ski jumping events, where the successes of Adam Małysz or Kamil Stoch have been appreciated and appreciated, but they nevertheless reach a handful of people. Please ask for the average Spanish, Italian, American, or associate these names. The answer will be negative. In the case of Kubica, it seems different.

The Treasury companies are the biggest patrons of Polish sport. Let Orlen, who supports Williams, do not begrudge us, because other companies are also making millions. The first example of the coast? KGHM and his support to Zagłębie Lubin. Calculated in millions of zlotys a year. The lion's share of this amount goes to the accounts of foreign players, talents unexploited. Is someone outraged? Does anyone wonder if for a giant and a global company like KGHM, spending millions of dollars on multiple players makes sense? No.

We are not used to the fact that a Polish company participates in international fairs. Pity. However, perhaps decisions as bold as this Orlen will change that. Let's keep our fingers crossed for that.

Łukasz Kuczera

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