Maciej Maleńczuk accused by pro-life activist of beating


P Probably in October, a conviction will be pronounced in the process of violation of bodily immunity, which was to be authorized by Maciej Maleńczuk on a pro-life activist. The case concerned the events of December 2016.

The event was to take place on the market square in Krakow where, in parallel with the demonstrations against violence against women, the Pro-Right to Life Foundation organized his anti-abortion picket. According to activist testimonies, Maciej Maleńczuk first shouted after him, then he came to tear off the banner, then punched the left side of the jaw.

On his behalf, private prosecutions were prepared by lawyers from the foundation of the Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture. Because after the filing of the prosecution by the activist, the prosecutor's office approached the case, the trial was continued; and a pro-life activist is an assistant attorney.

Maciej Maleńczuk did not plead guilty to Tuesday's trial. He testified that after asking the protesters of the foundation the purpose of their protest, the activist responded in vulgar terms. The musician tore off the banner and when the "vulgar and aggressive" activist approached him he pushed him away.

The court expects documents
The entries on Facebook are important evidence in the process. The court said that he was still waiting for documents from the social networking site regarding messages on one of the accounts named Maciej Maleńczuk. For this reason, the next hearing will be held on October 3rd.

The artist's defense denies that he posts entries on the incident and that the account on which they appeared was the official account of Maleńczuk. According to prosecutors, Maleńczuk had to boast about attacking the activist and encouraging further acts of aggression.

In turn, defending Maleńczuk, lawyer Marta Lech showed the printed court an account on the social network of an activist. Two days after the incident, he posted his picture, which he signed: "Maleńczuk is a weak man." As you can see in the photo, he leaves no trace of me in the mouth (on the left, near the lower jaw).

Pro-Right to Life Foundation
In March of this year, the Newsweek reporter revealed what Pro-Right to Life Foundation training was like. She had tips on how to deal with abortion advocates. It is not only a matter of handing out leaflets or organizing pickets, but also accessories that the opponents of the abortion should have with each other. .

Instructors advise to keep a pepper spray in the pocket for "kodziarzy" and explain that abortion is a premeditated murder.

source: Polsat News

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