Magda Gessler criticizes Martyna Wojciechowska! He went on the plastic bottles …


  #FreeMagdaGessler - what happens in a strange action?

Magda Gessler

Magda criticized her friend from the station, but she did it – very gently!

It has long been known that celebrities have power. Thanks to thousands of fans in social media, they often pay attention to the problems of today.

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And for example, A nja Rubik, Kinga Rusin and Magda Gessler recently published on their profiles a film that shows how plastic bottles and bags plastic harm our environment

The Poles consume the most paper bags of Europe, nearly 500 per capita a year (in Denmark 4 pieces), they also buy the most water in bottles plastic (!) Spend more than 6 MILLIONS a year (!!!), this one in a tap is fit to drink, and you can still set up a filter … At the same time, in Poland, WASTEWHERE 11% of the waste is eliminated! YES, this is OUR trash too! The time for linen shopping bags, tap water, straws, glass plates, metal cutlery

wrote Kinga Rusin on his profile on Facebook and shared this shocking video: [19659010] Magda Gessler who notes in the commentary that celebrities do a lot of good, but at the same time points out that Martyna Wojciechowska does not give a good example.

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This is an advertising campaign in which a traveler, well known to TVN, occurs often. Wojciechowska appears in advertisements … water sold in plastic bottles!

Given Magda Gessler's temperament and cutting language, her comment on Martyna was very sweet. Do you think the question will develop?


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