Maja Sablewska "botoxes"? The commentary of the star closes the lips to the enemies


  Maja Sablewska -

Author: East News

Under the last picture on Instagram, Maja Sablewska was attacked. The loyal fans stood in his defense. The star herself also decided to meet the hats.

Maja Sablewska was once again criticized for her appearance. This time, it's not really about undressing images or too thin a body. Under the last picture on the instagram, the surfer convinces that Maja Sablewska did a botox ! He did not expect such a reaction from celebrity fans …

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With his image Maja Sablewska was controversial for a long time. Too thin, too undressed, too tall, strangely dressed … It seems that the star is already accustomed to the doctrines and does not take them for himself. However, under the last picture on Instagram, Maja Sablewska decided to intervene. Fan accused her of doing botox!

Eeech Majka .. again, you nabotoxowalas: the cheeks of the lips .. And why this? Do you think you are more beautiful? Why are you doing this to a girl?

We read on instagram

To defend the idol, a lover of aesthetic medicine quickly …

Botox is used to paralyze muscles to "straighten" wrinkles. The mouth or the cheeks do not make "botox" 1965

A moment later, Maja Sablewska herself also commented on the question. She stuck the pin!

thank you. I love this charming masculine ignorance ✌?

These comments probably close the discussion …

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And maybe Maja Sablewska did botox . In fact, when comparing his old photos, his face is different. On the other hand, when we lose weight, the features of the face also change. And there are contours after all! Is it with Maja? Was botox or not?

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