Maja Sablewska releases her tits on Instagram … Sexy? (PHOTO)


  Maja Sablewska releases her tits on Instagram ... Sexy? (FOTO)

Maja Sablewska is one of those Polish celebrities who are no strangers to exhibitionist media. However, it is not only reports of many trips and subsequent projects, but also larger and larger photos that, as Maja claims, do not need graphics programs . Dody and Nanny of Natalia Kukulska's children eventually stopped having resistance to show Instagram

There is no doubt that over time ( and after the legendary regime changing facial features ) Sablewska gained trust and got rid of shame in connection with publishing tough photos on the web . This is confirmed by the posts she's been sharing for several days on Instagram, where she shows up in translucent blouse or flies half-naked in the pool in the same thong .

My current state of mind. Put to the maximum … I love life. LoVe – signed one of the photos, and fans (?) Quickly moved with a hello compliments to it.

A real pearl in the sea of ​​this artificial instinct – wrote one of the At least they are natural! – Addition of another

In the sea of ​​compliments, there were however comments criticizing … the size of the breast of celebrity .

Well, but where is the chest? – One of the observers replied

Well, you can not please everyone … Do you like the direction in which his profile on Instagram goes?

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