Małgorzata Gersdorf: I have nothing left to give up. I am close to the wall


Today, the lawyer will give a lecture in Karlsruhe entitled "The state of law in Poland – missed opportunities?" Earlier, she participated in a press conference in this German city

. for a comment on the adoption of the amendments by the Sejm, including on the Supreme Court and the courts concerning the procedures for the election of the first president of the Supreme Court and the appointment of judges to the Supreme Court.

Gersdorf said that it was obvious that the Sejm would pass laws. She added that the judicial proceedings in the Sejm were in the mode "not adopted within the framework of European legal spheres". She stressed that the law should lead to a faster exchange of human resources. She added that the exchange of staff judges is bad because she thinks the lawyer is older, the wisest.

– What happens if the second president appears? The judges do not have an army. The judge will always lose power. It will be as it will be. Right now, we have a president who is acting as chair of my appointment. The president says that of his authority. The new president will not be elected soon, despite the acceleration, "she said.

– I will be the president in exile – she said. When asked if the time would come when she would resign, she replied, "I have nothing to give up, I'm close to the wall." "I can only continue, in my opinion, I am the president, but there is no way for the judge, and yet the woman, in her power, she can resist everything – she said.

She added that she wants to break through with a message to Polish society that the actions taken by the leaders are actions against the current constitution and she vowed to protect this constitution

– I am determined by my oath, because I am an honorary person. At a certain point, nothing can be done – she said.

As she pointed out, the KRS is composed mainly of regional judges who will evaluate candidates to the Supreme Court by sending these candidates to the president. – At the Supreme Court, there will be people whose judges of the Supreme Court We have no idea – she pointed

She said that she intends to come to work Monday, but she wants to continue the holidays that she had planned earlier

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