Małgorzata Rozenek fights cheats. "Do not be fooled." The case has already been sent to the police


Beata Tadla first, then Martyna Wojciechowska, and now she fell to Małgorzata Rozenek. At the beginning of this year, a slimming diet appeared on the market, which (as it turns out – illegally) is promoted by the image of well-known Polish stars. All indications are that the creators of the product do not give in to advertise for free.

Mañgorzata Rozenek Fighting Cheats

"Perfect" posted on Instagram an article in which she confessed that she was a cheat victim and never agreed to be identified with the product "Choco Lite". In addition, like Wojciechowska, he warns everyone against its use.

Beloved! The case is very important because it concerns health and a big fraud. For several weeks, I'm asking you if I really lost weight through cocktails "Choco Lite". ABSOLUTELY NOT! – it started on Instagram

The case has already been reported to the relevant authorities, so that it will cease to use my IMAGE IMPULIITELY IN SPECIFIC ADVERTISING! DO NOT LET YOU REACH THIS !!! I thank all the vigilantes for their help. And remember that diet and physical activity are the key to a good figure. Have a good day! -doda³a.

Let us remind you that it is the following message, which appeared on Rozenek fans on Facebook.

  Scammers who used the image of Małgorzata Rozenek Scammers who used the image of Małgorzata Rozenek Screen / Facebook / Law Hutz Blog

It seems to us that & ## 39, a company that produces this specific dishonest service can cost a lot


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