Małgorzata Rozenek loves Meghan Markle. Fans criticize his stylization


On the occasion of Independence Day, the United States Ambassador to Poland held a ceremonial reception. Małgorzata Rozenek and Radosław Majdan could not miss him with their children. Although fans congratulated the presence at the Embassy, ​​a detail caught their attention. The TVN star looked like Meghan Markle

. The hat-record in which Meghan Markle appeared at this year's Trooping The Color has been widely commented in the media. Apparently, he did not escape Rozenek, who recently put on stylizations that more often resemble those seen at royal events. The perfect lady of the house, inspired by the Duchess of Sussex, came to a party in a similar toque

She did not appeal to fans of a starred couple who might criticize their favorite and her husband. . "Radoslaw looks bad on this picture." The pants really frown and are too big. "In general, your stylizations are not consistent." This time, another fan

See also: Rozenek is delighted with her husband: Radek is hard and strong "

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