Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan in a bikini on vacation. Fantastic views! :: Magazine :: RMF FM


Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan finally took a well-deserved vacation. She and her husband are resting under the sun of Spain. I must admit that the opinions there make a huge impression

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The last time is very busy for Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan. TVN star tries to take full advantage of the current period of great interest in his person and is involved in various projects. The reality TV show of Rozenek-Majdan and her husband, Radosław Majdan, debuted in the lead roles and, in the autumn, we will see Małgosia in the third season of the "Lady Project" she is working on lately.

Maidan is also involved in the education of his two sons, and for a time, he is also trying to expand his family with Radosław Majdan. The star TVN does not hide that – as for the first two pregnancies – it will have to be fertilized in vitro. "It's very difficult for us, the procedure is complicated, it takes time," she said in one of her interviews

beginning of June, on the occasion On her birthday, she was asked for an unplanned visit to a private clinic specializing in the treatment of infertility, in vitro.This sparked the first suppositions about the pregnancy of the star.Rozenek-Majdan still fueled the emotions in the last interview, in which she revealed that she started using the services of Anna Lewandowska.Interested about the trainer's preparation for pregnancy, she did not hide that & # 39; She was very interested in this aspect, devoting herself to the care of Lewandowska

Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan and Radosław Majdan, for whom the period of the recently completed World Cup was also very hot, I finally succeeded to choose a well-deserved vacation. as well as the children of Rozenek-Majdan, Stas, 12, and Tadz, 8, went on holiday in Spain. Majdanowie visited, among others. Barcelona, ​​where there were of course no visits to the famous Camp Nou. Radoslaw Majdan praised the fun photo of the trip on Instagram.

More pictures from his profile were published by the footballer's wife. Rozenek-Majdan boasted among other things one of their stylizations, as well as photos of the hotel pool, behind which extend the fantastic views of the Playa de la Granadella. Radosława immortalized on one of these photographs. He returned it similarly, photographing Rozenek-Maidan extending to the edge of the pool

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