Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan in the exhibition halls. However, pregnancy?


Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan (40 years old?) Is in her third pregnancy? She and Radosław Majdan (46 years old) will soon be parents? This can not be excluded! Recently, celebrity appeared at the public release and for this occasion she founded a stylization in bulk. Would she like to hide something under her?

For several weeks, speculation about the alleged pregnancy Małgorzata Rozenek-Majdan have not stopped. She was called by interested parties themselves, who, in the entry on Instagram, revealed that she was "at the time of her life, where the doctor has banned her physical exertion" . Does she mean the blessed state? She did not specify that.

The media got his pictures from the infertility treatment clinic. It is no secret that two of Małgosia's sons, born of a marriage with Jacek Rozenek, were conceived with in vitro help and that a third possible pregnancy could also have occurred thanks to to the use of this method. Celebrity does not hide that in vitro is the only way for her to become a mom again. She also said aloud that she and Radoslaw would like to become the girl's parents.

Is this dream already in the implementation phase? There are many indications. For some time, Rozenek no longer appears in fitted outfits, which she was until recently quite willing to wear. Only sweaters and large sweatshirts reign supreme.

This was also the case during the last public release. Małgosia opted for a stylization in bulk. Maybe that's how a celebrity tries to hide the curves?

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