Marazm on the WSE. CD Projekt and Czarnecki Green


Adam Torchała

The doldrums continue on the WSE. The attention of investors is however drawn to the stories of individual companies. Today, the stock market has been stolen by Leszek Czarnecki, the star of CD Project continues to shine

WIG 20 fell 0.19% at the close. up to 2,149.12 points Since mid-June, the index has remained between 2,100 and 2,200 points. The other indices did not seem much better: mWIG increased by 0.17%, sWIG 80 by 0.03% and WIG by 0.07%.

The turnover, which amounted to about PLN 560 million, was again disappointing, including W4 $ 424 million in WIG 20 companies. In the last eight sessions, only two have succeeded. to achieve a turnover exceeding PLN 600 million. in combination with the stagnant clues – it better reflects the current apathy of the WSE.

For more than a quarter of the turnover, CD Projekt (PLN 109 million) was responsible for blue chips, which was the leader in the index. The game producer's share rose 4.3% on Wednesday and the company's capitalization has surpassed 20 billion PLN. The last 1 billion zlotys of "Redzi" were manufactured in one day. It was, after all, the seventh consecutive CD Projekt session of growth, and its shares grew by 19% during this period. Since the beginning of the year, the company's rate has increased by 116%

and discounts among WIG 20 companies have been led by CCC (3.4%) and Energa (2%). , 9%). More than 2% the reductions also included the shares of Tauron and Alior. In addition to CD Projekt, seven companies finished the day in green, but six of them grew by less than 1%. Lotos stands out, whose papers rose 2.5 percent

Idea Bank was at the top of the growing market (19.5%). Other companies of the group Czarnecki Leszek – Getin Noble Bank increased by 4.2% and Getin Holding by 7%. These increases are related to a statement in which Leszek Czarnecki reports that he plans to consolidate Getin Noble and Idea Bank. This solution could help a debtor in the first bank, to the detriment of the other. Why, then, Idea Bank fired? Well, one theory says investors rely on the call. This, however, is not at all certain.

AmRest increased by 2.9 percent. The company announced Wednesday morning that it was going to invest a total of 25 million euros in the acquisition of new shares and the purchase of some of the existing securities Glovoapp23, the owner of the application ordering meals online, among others in Spain. As a result of the investment, the company will have a 10 percent stake in the Glovoapp23 shareholding, which will ensure the representative of AmRest a place in the management team .

Adam Torchała / PAP Business


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