Marcin Gortat started the 11th edition of the camps. Andrzej Duda thanked him


– I am glad that Marcin Gortat is not only focusing on his own career and his own life, but wants to share the fruits of sports success with others. I congratulate the organization of the camp and thank you wholeheartedly, "said the president, who stated that he would get at least one personal message within a minute after 58 seconds

Gortat proved that He was moving extremely well in the world of politics, and basketball player Los Angeles Clippers could win people like Lech Wałęsa, Bronisław Komorowski, Ewa Kopacz and Antoni Macierewicz, whom he met with in the United States or the United States. welcomed at the Gortat Team – matches of the Polish army

.It must combine and not divide – repeats the basketball player, who finished last week a positively ended search in Los Angeles and officially became a player Clippers For President Duda, he had a Washington Wizards memorial t-shirt – But the kids who stand out on the camps, of course, I'm going to invite you to the Clippers game in Los Angeles this year – the basketball player recalled.

During training in Lodz, the captain of the Gortat team, Adam Waczyński, and Karol Gruszecki helped. Staff members, past or present, who run classes with children are the most important reason for the camps. This year, there will also be: Marcel Ponitka, Adam Hrycaniuk, Szymon Szewczyk and Kamil Łączyński. The series will travel to five cities and, traditionally, will end the match with the Polish army, which will also be held in Łódź on July 21.

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