Marek, 62, wanted by the police. He is suspected of murder


Marek .lugaj, 62, is wanted by the police for the murder of a man in Ksawerow and for attempting to murder a woman in September. Both events took place in recent days.

Marek .lugajMarek .lugaj KWP Poznañ

The provincial police headquarters in Poznań, due to the search, do not wish to reveal the details of these events. As m³ told us. asp. Piotr Garstka, a man can be dangerous.

"Marek, he can ride a city bike with a distinctly prominent" corner "on the right-hand drive and a plastic box on the trunk – a jacket and thick black gloves on his hands," police reported in Wielkopolska .

If you have seen Mark Marek, please contact the police at 112, 61-84-131-11 or 61-437-52-00.

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