Marek Kuchciński remains the President of the Sejm


  Marek Kuchciński continues as President of the Sejm

Photo: Paweł Supernak / PAP

Video: tvn24
Marek Kuchciński remains the President of the Sejm

In Tuesday's vote, the motion to dismiss Marek Kuchciński, Sejm President, presented by clubs PO and Nowoczesna was rejected. According to PiS, the application was nonsense. The opposition argued that Marshal's function exceeded Kuchciński.

146 deputies voted against the marshal's office, 233 were against and 29 abstained. The majority required to appeal was 205.

PO and Nowoczesna's conclusion

A motion to dismiss PO and the President of the Diet they submitted on June 15. Earlier, on June 14, the Sejm decided to listen to information on EU funds granted to the Ministry of Health for 2014-2020 at the meeting. At the same time, he rejected the OP's request to provide information on the consequences of the imposition of sanctions on Poland in the framework of the procedure provided for in Article 7 of the EU Treaty for Poland .

Deputy deputy Sławomir …
The deputies of PO and Nowoczesna then informed that they would submit a request for dismissal from Kuchciński because it "violated the sacred principle", according to which the opposition clubs – when their turn came – have the right to demand information on any subject.

At the Tuesday debate in the Sejm, the head of the OP Grzegorz Schetyna presenting the candidacy said that Kuchciński listens and meets the expectations of a man, the chairman of PiS, Jarosław Kaczyński. The leader of the Platform said that to be a marshal one must have character, be responsible and subjective and listen to all deputies, have time and patience for them

"The assassination of the constitution, the independence of judgments, the gagging of the opposition President Kaczyński's expectations. "- This is expected from the PiS, he is expected of the President of the Sejm and the Senate. He recalled the Sejm crisis in December 2016. The head of the OP said that Kuchciński first "rejected" the Sejm journalists, then ruled out MP Sejm MP, PO Michał Szczerba, for this music relieves manners. Schetyna added that PiS then caused a scandal, that is to say a debate in the Column Hall, which was sanctioned by Kuchciński. – You broke the law, you broke the constitution – PiS Schety told PiS MPs.

The head of the platform also spoke about the Sejm barriers, talked about treating people with disabilities and calling on the Sejm of children and young people. He also accused Kuchciński of unequal treatment of PiS deputies and the opposition.

"The personification of democratic power"

Vice President of Sejm Beata Mazurek, who spoke on behalf of the club PiS, said that it is the right of the opposition to blame the President of the Sejm. situation, the proposal was submitted by, inter alia, the OP, which has the smallest mandate to criticize the current Marshal. Why? Because Mr. Kuchciński, in relation to your standards and your practices, is the personification of democratic power in parliament – Mazurek said.

She considered that the allegations made in the petition were absurd and that Marshal Kuchciński" calmly and deliberately leads the debate " . – Despite your obstruction and persistent feuds, despite the constant violation of parliamentary standards, the Marshal is trying to appease the differences and treats MPs like Nitras, really with great understanding – says Mazurek

MP Tomasz Szymański said that Kuchciński "in the history of Polish parliamentarism, as a gravedigger of parliamentary debate, gag of opposition, little fearless man surrounded by marshals, with great satisfaction wasting money "

The deputy adds that Kuchcinski, as a marshal, should Meanwhile, he does not respect the fundamental rights enshrined in the constitution, in the law on the exercise of the mandate of a deputy. and of a senator, nor in the settlement of the Sejm, "said Mr. Szymański. – By your behavior, you strip the Polish Parliament of the dignity that should guide him – he added to the address of Kuchciński

PSL: Sejm parliamentarians dwarfs

In turn, the deputy Kukiz & # 39; 15 Grzegorz Długi said that "the Sejm, which is the highest legislative body it shows that this time it loses its face, the Seym ceases to be the subjective organ of power, and unfortunately the face of this The fall of the Sejm becomes the Marshal. "In the context of the loss of subjectivity, the Sejm spoke of how to conduct the recent amendment to the National Memory Institute Act.

Kukiz & # 39; 15 also stated that it was not allowed to treat constructively opposed projects differently than the projects of the group to which it belongs. President of the Sejm. He also added that the different deputies are currently being treated according to where they are sitting in the Seym. – This is unacceptable – pointed out MP Kukiz & # 39; 15.

The modern deputy Witold Zembaczyński said that Kuchciński can not make decisions and take responsibility for them. – This is the Polish parliament which is today a dwarf of parliamentarism, thanks to you – said Zgnaczyński to Kuchciński. – The marshal's staff is no longer used to open debates, it serves as a stick to the opposition. The same goes for the presidency of the Marshal, who is no longer a pluralist place of discussion, but rather a hunting ground: the deputies of the opposition are hunting animals, says Zembaczyński

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz that the motion to recall Kuchciński is "opposition to the style of exercise of power" by PiS in Sejm and throughout Poland. – It is a motion to oppose such a procedure that limits and prevents the resolution of cases in Poland, in a Polish house – Kosiniak-Kamysz said

Also the leader of the peasants accused Kuchciński to act on the "grimace" of President Kaczyński. – And you do not really blame the situation. Whoever owes you the most is guilty and guilty – said the head of PSL. He added that Kuchciński should be loyal to the nation as president of the Sejm. – And you're just loyal to the president. You will have a place in history, but it will be a place in the trash of history – Kosiniak-Kamysz told Kuchcińskiego

The candidate PO and Nowoczesna for the new Marshal was the leader of N Katarzyna Lubnauer. The Sejm rejects the marshal on the request presented by at least 46 deputies and nominally nominating the candidate for the marshal. The Sejm rejects and elects the Marshal by an absolute majority of votes in the presence of at least half the statutory number of deputies, in one vote.

Author: mm // plw
Source: PAP

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