Margaret went crazy with hairstyles. Fans: You look like Magda Gessler


Margaret likes to experiment with her appearance. The artist had on his head this slightly curved hair. This time he decided not to change his blonde, but on his head appears a storm of locks

Margaret in a new hairstyle

Margaret praises his new hairstyles on his Instagram, where he puts some pictures after metamorphosis [19659004] In this stylization he also performs during his last concert.

Margaret in blond curls. Fans Comment

Fans quickly began commenting on how Margaret looks now. Opinions are divided, but many people say that Margaret does not look good in such a hairstyle.

What are you doing? You look like a poodle!

You do not like this hair – we read in the comments.

Others wrote that Margaret is now like Magd Gessler

Inspiration Magd Gessler

You look like Magda Gessler! Villas:

A bomb for me, provided it is a preparation for the film on Violetta Villas.


And how do you like Margaret in such a smell?


You wear so much that you can not remember how to look without them. The biggest shock? Britney Spears and the Polish star

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